Return to Virginia Legislative Record

Volume 10, 2000

Last updated on January 4, 2001

HJR 125: Hampton Roads Third Crossing Bridge-Tunnel Commission

HJR 154: Virginia--Maryland--District of Columbia Joint Legislative Commission on Interstate Transportation

HJR 213/SJR 80: Joint Subcommittee to Study Campaign Finance Reform

HJR 239: Joint Subcommittee to Study Commercial Promotional Activities in High Schools

HJR 249: Joint Subcommittee Studying the Funding Requirements of the Unemployment Trust Fund

HJR 282 Joint Subcommittee

HJR 285: Commission Studying Public-Private Partnerships for the Operation of Nonstate Museums and Other Entities

HJR 566: Special Task Force Studying the Educational Needs of the 21st Century

HJR 658: Interstate Route 73 Communications Committee

HJR 723: Special Task Force Examining the Impact of the SOA on Local School Division Budgets

SB 1269: Legislative Transition Task Force of the Virginia Electric Utility Restructuring Act

SJR 37: Joint Subcommittee Studying Eminent Domain Issues

SJR 75: Joint Subcommittee Studying the Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act

SJR 121: Joint Subcommittee Studying Creation of a Northern Virginia Regional Transportation Authority

SJR 173/HJR 187: Joint Subcommittee to Study the Regulatory Responsibilities, Policies and Activities of the State Corporation Commission

SJR 177: Joint Subcommittee Studying Economic Incentives to Promote the Growth and Competitiveness of Virginia's Shipbuilding Industry

SJR 223 (1993): Standing Joint Subcommittee on Block Grants

SJR 242: Joint Subcommittee to Study Continuing and Vocational/Technical Education

Special Subcommittee on Tax Policy

Joint Commission on Behavioral Health Care

Commission on Early Childhood and Child Day Care Programs

Virginia Code Commission

Freedom of Information Advisory Council

Small Business Commission

Joint Commission on Technology and Science

Prefiling Legislation

Filing Deadlines

© 2000 Division of Legislative Services. Published in Richmond, Virginia, by the Division of Legislative Services, an agency of the General Assembly of Virginia. The Legislative Record is also published in The Virginia Register of Regulations, available from the Virginia Code Commission, 910 Capitol Street, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Notices of upcoming meetings of all legislative study commissions and joint subcommittees appear in the Calendar of Events in The Virginia Register of Regulations. The Legislative Record is available on-line at

E.M. Miller, Jr.: Director
R.J. Austin: Manager, Special Projects
K.C. Patterson: Editor

Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia. For subscription information, contact:
Special Projects
Division of Legislative Services
910 Capitol Street, 2nd Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 786-3591

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