General Assembly>Division of Legislative Services>Publications>Session Summaries>2008>Administration of the Government Generally


Administration of the Government Generally


P HB229

Veterans services in the Commonwealth. Changes the references under the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Veterans Services from the Secretary of Administration to the Secretary of Public Safety. The bill request the Department of Veterans Services to establish guidelines for the determination of eligibility for Virginia-domiciled veterans and their spouses, orphans, and dependents for participation in programs and benefits administered by the Department. Such guidelines shall meet the intent of the federal statutes and regulations pertaining to the administration of federal programs supporting U.S. Armed Forces veterans and their spouses, orphans, and dependents. The bill also clarifies that the purpose of the Veterans Services Foundation is to provide funding for veteran services and programs in the Commonwealth. HB 943 and HB 1104 are incorporated into this bill.
Patron - Cosgrove

P HB234

Commonwealth Technology Research Fund (CTRF); sensor sciences. Adds sensor sciences to the eligible research programs in the CTRF. This bill is identical to SB 319.
Patron - Cosgrove

P HB324

Division of Debt Collection; oversees Commonwealth's accounts receivables. Requires the Division to oversee the Commonwealth's accounts receivable program pursuant to the Virginia Debt Collection Act (§ 2.2-4800 et seq.) and to enforce policies and procedures adopted by the Department of Accounts for reporting, accounting for, and collecting the Commonwealth's accounts receivable.
Patron - Saxman

P HB388

Conveyance of easements by state agencies. Clarifies the process for conveying easements by state agencies. Such conveyances must be deemed to be in the public interest and subject to guidelines adopted by the Department of General Services.
Patron - Bulova

P HB407

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); exemptions for certain fundraising strategies and donor records of public institutions of higher education. Exempts records maintained by a public institution of higher education in connection with fundraising activities conducted by or for such institution to the extent that such records reveal (i) personal fundraising strategies relating to identifiable donors or prospective donors or (ii) wealth assessments; estate, financial, or tax planning information; health-related information; employment, familial, or marital status information; electronic mail addresses, facsimile or telephone numbers; birth dates or social security numbers of identifiable donors or prospective donors. This bill is identical to SB 130.
Patron - Oder

P HB475

Department of Veterans Services; mental health and rehabilitative services. Requires that the Department of Veterans Services, the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and the Department of Rehabilitative Services cooperate in establishing a program to monitor and coordinate mental health and rehabilitative services support for Virginia veterans and members of the Virginia National Guard and Virginia residents in the Armed Forces Reserves not in active federal service. HB 1064 incorporated into this bill and this bill is identical to SB 297.
Patron - Cox

P HB477

Veterans Services Foundation. Establishes the Veterans Services Foundation as a body politic and corporate to provide funding for veterans services and programs in the Commonwealth. The bill also (i) clarifies the purpose of the Veterans Services Foundation to raise funds from the private sector for veterans services and programs in the state and (ii) adds eight citizen members, appointed by the General Assembly, and the Chair of the Joint Leadership Council to the Foundation's board of trustees, and extends the terms for members from three to four years.
Patron - Cox

P HB503

Comprehensive Services Act Program; case management and residential care plan. Requires the State Executive Council to develop, and localities to implement, a program of case management for residential care to include a provision for residential care plans. Requires family assessment and planning teams to develop, and community policy and management teams to review, residential care plans that include goals for residential care treatment, a provision for monitoring and review of plans, evaluation of progress toward identified goals, and a plan for returning the youth to his home or community at the earliest appropriate time. This bill is identical to SB 487.
Patron - Hamilton

P HB505

Interagency Civil Admissions Advisory Council. Removes the sunset of July 1, 2008, thereby making the Council permanent.
Patron - Hamilton

P HB520

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); exemptions for the Virginia Military Advisory Council, the Virginia National Defense Industrial Authority, and local military organizations. Adds a FOIA exemption for records of the Virginia Military Advisory Council, the Virginia National Defense Industrial Authority, or a local or regional military affairs organization appointed by a local governing body, to the extent such records (i) contain information relating to strategies under consideration or development by the Council, the Authority or such local or regional organization to prevent the closure or realignment of federal military installations located in Virginia, to limit the adverse economic effect of such realignment or closure, or to seek additional tenant activity growth from the Department of Defense or (ii) disclose trade secrets provided to the Council, the Authority, or such local or regional organization in connection with their work. The bill also adds a closed meeting exemption for discussion of such topics by the Virginia Military Advisory Council, the Virginia National Defense Industrial Authority, or such local or regional organization.
Patron - Suit

P HB578

Innovative Technology Authority; powers of board of directors. Authorizes the Board of the Authority to designate the President and staff of the Center for Innovative Technology to carry out the day-to-day operations and activities of the Authority and to perform such other duties as may be directed by the Board. The bill is identical to SB 235.
Patron - Cosgrove

P HB626

Investment of Public Funds Act; legal investment of certain funds; volunteer fire and rescue squad pension programs. Removes from the Investment of Public Funds Act those funds contributed by a locality to a retirement program for the benefit of a pension program for the benefit of a volunteer fire department and rescue squad operating in the locality.
Patron - May

P HB634

Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act (GDCDPA); personal information; definition; collection of same; penalty for violation; jurisdiction of district courts. Provides that no agency shall require an individual to furnish or disclose his social security number (SSN) or driver's license number unless the furnishing or disclosure of such number is (i) authorized or required by state or federal law and (ii) essential for the performance of that agency's duties. The bill also strengthens the remedies provisions of the GDCDPA by adding civil penalties matching those in FOIA, and grants general district courts the authority to hear GDCDPA cases. Additionally, the bill has enactment clauses giving it a delayed effective date of July 1, 2009, and requires state agencies to study their own collection and use of SSNs and report to the FOIA Council and JCOTS on such collection and use by October 1, 2008. The bill also contains a fourth enactment clause providing for the gathering of similar information about the use and collection of SSNs by cities, counties and towns with a population greater than 15,000. The bill is a recommendation of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council and JCOTS. This bill is identical to SB 132.
Patron - May

P HB731

Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority; board of directors; membership. Adds the Chancellor of the Virginia Community College System to the board of directors of the Authority to help better coordinate workforce development in Virginia. The bill contains a technical amendment. The bill, however, reduces by one the number of at-large citizen appointments made by the Governor effective with the next cycle of at-large citizen appointments.
Patron - Caputo

P HB748

Innovative Technology Authority; board of directors. Removes the Secretaries of Education and Commerce and Trade, as well the Director of the State Council of Higher Education, from the board of directors of the Authority. The bill also makes a technical correction. The bill is identical to SB 236.
Patron - Caputo

P HB768

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); active investigations; teacher licensing. Adds a FOIA exemption for investigator notes, and other correspondence and information with respect to an active investigation conducted by or for the Board of Education related to the denial, suspension, or revocation of teacher licenses. The bill further provides that these records may be disclosed to (i) a local school board or division superintendent for the purpose of permitting such board or superintendent to consider or to take personnel action with regard to an employee or (ii) any requester, after the conclusion of such investigation, in a form that does not reveal the identity of charging parties, persons supplying the information, or other individuals involved in the investigation. The bill also allows the Board of Education to discuss these records in a closed meeting.
Patron - Tata

P HB776

Virginia Commission on Higher Education Board Appointments; sunset. Removes the sunset on the Virginia Commission on Higher Education Board Appointments. The bill is identical to SB 302.
Patron - Tata

P HB781

Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Commission. Creates the Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Commission to encourage the economic development of Southwest Virginia through the expansion of cultural heritage ventures and initiatives related to tourism and other asset-based enterprises, including the Southwest Virginia Artisan Center, the Crooked Road, Round The Mountain, and related cultural heritage organizations and venues that promote entrepreneurial and employment opportunities. The bill sets out the membership of the Commission and its powers and duties. An emergency clause makes the bill effective upon its passage. This bill is identical to SB 653.
Patron - Kilgore

P HB824

Water quality information. Designates the Secretary of Natural Resources as the lead Secretary with the responsibility to coordinate technical assistance, information, and training so that consistent water quality data is provided to the public.
Patron - Morgan

P HB839

State Interoperability Executive Committee. Codifies the State Interoperability Executive Committee, which assists the Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator. This bill is identical to SB 520.
Patron - Sherwood

P HB841

Establishment of the Capitol District. Defines the geographic seat of government of the Commonwealth as the "Capitol District." The definition is for administrative purposes only and does not restrict or augment (i) the responsibilities or authority of the legislative, executive, or judicial branch of state government or any agency thereof or (ii) the law enforcement authority of the Police Department of the City of Richmond within the Department's jurisdiction. The Capitol District is comprised of the area in Richmond bounded by Broad Street, Eighth Street, Main Street, and Interstate 95.
Patron - Sherwood

P HB854

Freedom of Information Act; electronic meetings; authority of local public bodies. Allows any local governing body, school board, or any authority, board, bureau, commission, district, or agency of local government to meet by electronic communication means without a quorum of the public body physically assembled at one location when the Governor has declared a state of emergency in accordance with § 44-146.17, provided (i) the catastrophic nature of the declared emergency makes it impracticable or unsafe to assemble a quorum in a single location and (ii) the purpose of the meeting is to address the emergency. The local public body convening the meeting shall (a) give public notice using the best available method given the nature of the emergency, which notice shall be given contemporaneously with the notice provided members of the local public body conducting the meeting; (b) make arrangements for public access to such meeting; and (c) otherwise comply with the provisions for electronic communication meetings. The nature of the emergency and the fact that the meeting was held by electronic communication means shall be stated in the minutes. The bill contains a technical amendment. The bill is a recommendation of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council.
Patron - Ebbin

P HB867

Virginia Public Procurement Act; regional industrial facility authorities; exemption. Authorizes regional industrial facility authorities to enter into certain contracts without competition.
Patron - Johnson

P HB900

Department of General Services; Division of Engineering and Buildings; use of value engineering. Requires the submission of a value engineering report to the Division of Engineering and Buildings. Under the bill each item included in the value engineering report must be designated as accepted, declined, or accepted as modified. The report must be approved by the Division within 45 days before the project may move to the next phase of design.
Patron - Scott, J.M.

P HB944

Virginia Public Procurement Act; procurement of professional services for certain transportation projects. Increases the monetary limits for architectural and professional engineering contracts associated with projects that any locality and certain authorities and sanitation districts may enter into under the Virginia Public Procurement Act. The bill raises the amount for a single contract from $1 million to $5 million and increases the maximum amount for each task order from $200,000 to $1 million.
Patron - Albo

P HB951

Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act; creation. Replaces current provisions in the Virginia Code with this Uniform Act that was adopted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) in 2006. The original Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act was adopted by NCCUSL in 1972 and enacted in Virginia in 1973. The Act expands the scope of the prior law, applying to all charitable institutions holding institutional funds, including trusts without noncharitable beneficiaries. The Act also clarifies and expands the duties and obligations concerning the conduct of investment and expenditures of institutional funds. The Act also imposes express standards on any delegation of the management or investment of institutional funds. The Act also updates the standards for when a court may order the release or modification of the purpose of or restrictions contained in a gift instrument through which a donor contributes to an institutional fund.
Patron - Iaquinto

P HB1017

Office of Telework Promotion and Broadband Assistance; codified; sunset. Codifies Executive Order 35 (2006) creating the Office of Telework Promotion and Broadband Assistance under the Secretary of Technology. The goals of the Office are to encourage telework as a family-friendly, business-friendly public policy that promotes workplace efficiency and reduces strain on transportation infrastructure. In conjunction with efforts to promote telework, the Office shall work with public and private entities to develop widespread access to broadband services. The provisions of this act expire on July 1, 2018.
Patron - Hugo

P HB1018

Definition of telecommuting. Defines telecommuting as a work arrangement in which supervisors direct or permit employees to perform their usual job duties away from their central workplace at least one day per week and in accordance with work agreements.
Patron - Hugo

P HB1021

State employee telecommuting goal. Establishes a goal for state agencies, except for the Department of State Police, to have 20 percent of their eligible workforce telecommuting by January 1, 2010.
Patron - Hugo

P HB1023

Collection of debts owed the Commonwealth. Expands the reciprocal agreement with the federal government to include the offset of nontax payments owed to debtors.
Patron - Frederick

P HB1066

Virginia Public Procurement Act; methods of procurement. Clarifies that any public body may use competitive negotiation for the construction, alteration, repair, renovation, or demolition of structures (and not just buildings) when the contract is not expected to cost more than $1 million.
Patron - Amundson

P HB1128

Board of Pharmacy; continuing education. Allows the Board of Pharmacy to require two of the currently required 15 hours of continuing education to be in a specific subject area and exempts this requirement from the Administrative Process Act. Also allows the Board to determine, in regulation, the number of continuing education hours required for inactive status.
Patron - Jones, S.C.

P HB1131

Office of the Children's Ombudsman. Creates the Office of the Children's Ombudsman to provide ombudsman services, including investigation of complaints, advocacy, and the provision of information for children, parents, and citizens involved with child-serving agencies. The bill is identical to SB 315.
Patron - Fralin

P HB1167

Administrative Process Act (APA); public participation guidelines. Requires, on or before July 1, 2008, the Department of Planning and Budget, in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, to (i) develop model public participation guidelines and (ii) provide these model public participation guidelines to each agency that has the authority to promulgate regulations. By December 1, 2008, each agency shall either (a) adopt the model public participation guidelines or (b) if significant additions or changes are proposed, promulgate the model public participation guidelines with the proposed changes as fast-track regulations pursuant to § 2.2-4012.1. Agency action in adopting the model public participation guidelines in accordance with clause (a) shall be exempt from the APA. Any regulatory action commenced on or after January 1, 2009, shall use the model public participation guidelines in the form adopted by an agency. Thereafter, any amendments to an agency's public participation guidelines must be done in accordance with the APA. This bill is identical to SB 734.
Patron - Saxman

P HB1271

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); exemption for local franchises. Broadens the current FOIA exemption to apply to any type of franchise and protects trade secrets and confidential proprietary information from both bidders for the franchise and the person who is ultimately awarded the franchise. Currently, the exemption is limited to cable TV franchises. The bill provides that no bidder, applicant, or franchisee may invoke the exclusion provided by this subdivision if the bidder, applicant, or franchisee is owned or controlled by a public body or if any representative of the applicable franchising authority serves on the management board or as an officer of the bidder, applicant, or franchisee.
Patron - Ebbin

P HB1280

Regulation of charitable gaming; Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Abolishes the Department of Charitable Gaming and places the regulation of charitable gaming under the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Patron - Spruill

P HB1298

Public body contracts; illegal alien employment. Requires that all public bodies provide in every written contract that the contractor does not, and shall not during the performance of the contract for goods and services in the Commonwealth, knowingly employ an unauthorized alien as defined in the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. This bill is identical to SB 517.
Patron - Frederick

P HB1312

Workforce development; Governor's responsibilities. Provides that the strategic plan for workforce development shall be developed in coordination with the development of the comprehensive economic development policy required from the Governor during the first year of his administration. The bill changes the staff support for the Virginia Workforce Council from the Office of the Governor to the Virginia Community College System. The Governor, as Chief Workforce Development Officer, is required to report on the transfer of Workforce Investment Act responsibilities from the Virginia Employment Commission to the Virginia Community College System and to provide evaluations of the accountability and performance of workforce programs. The bill is identical to SB252.
Patron - Byron

P HB1329

State-owned communications towers; broadband service. Requires state agencies to lease or convey a license or other interest in a state-owned communication tower for which they are responsible to qualified providers of wireless broadband service in order to deploy broadband Internet service in areas of the Commonwealth that do not have access to terrestrial broadband or radio frequency Internet service. The requirement is subject to the provider presenting a spectrum and certified structural analysis of the tower and proof that the tower satisfies all applicable local government requirements. The conveyance shall require payment of such consideration as the Director of the Department of General Services deems appropriate and which is commensurate with the consideration paid for use of comparable space on similar towers. This bill is identical to SB 206.
Patron - Peace

P HB1334

State and Local Government Conflict of Interest Act; acceptance of awards. Allows an employee of local government to receive an award or payment in honor of meritorious or exceptional service. Currently, only such awards or payments to teachers or other employees of local school boards are allowed. This bill is identical to SB 478.
Patron - Landes

P HB1367

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); exemption for local government investment pool. Adds a FOIA exemption for the records maintained by the Department of the Treasury or participants in the Local Government Investment Pool, to the extent such records relate to information required to be provided by such participants to the Department to establish accounts.
Patron - Jones, S.C.

P HB1386

Service-disabled veteran-owned small business programs. Aligns Virginia's eligibility requirements for participation in the Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Program with federal eligibility requirements set by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. This bill is identical to SB 680.
Patron - Miller, J.H.

P HB1447

Department for the Aging; coordination of local long-term care services. Adds representatives of housing, transportation, and other appropriate local organizations that provide long-term care services to the membership of local long-term care coordination committees. This bill is identical to SB 701.
Patron - Ingram

P HB1458

Freedom of Information Act; records and meetings of Innovative Technology Authority. Exempts from public disclosure certain proprietary records submitted to the Innovative Technology Authority as part of a grant application. The bill also allows meetings of the Innovative Technology Authority to be closed when the exempt records are being discussed. This bill is identical to SB 726.
Patron - Cosgrove

P HB1459

Virginia Small Business Financing Act; preferred lenders. Authorizes the Virginia Small Business Financing Authority to delegate to certain banks decisioning and processing functions and responsibilities with respect to certain Authority-guaranteed loans. The Authority will allocate to the preferred lenders credit authority for the lesser of an Authority-determined amount or the funds available for loan guarantees.
Patron - Moran

P HB1500

Aerospace Advisory Council; created. Reduces the membership of the Council from a total of 15 to 13 members, by reducing the number of nonlegislative members. Provides that the nonlegislative citizen members representing NASA Wallops Flight Facility, NASA's Langley Research Center, and the National Institute of Aerospace shall be appointed by the Governor to serve as ex officio liaisons to the Council with nonvoting privileges.
Patron - Lewis

P HB1526

Virginia Career Readiness Certificate Program; creation; report. Creates the Virginia Career Readiness Certification Program to certify the workplace and college readiness skills of Virginians, in order to better prepare them for continued education and workforce training, successful employment, and career advancement. The Virginia Workforce Council, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall promulgate regulations necessary to implement and administer the Program. Funding shall come from the Workforce Investment Act, or such other source as shall be made available, in an amount not to exceed $1 million. This bill is identical to SB 756.
Patron - Byron

P SB130

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); exemptions for certain fundraising strategies and donor records of public institutions of higher education. Exempts records maintained by a public institution of higher education in connection with fundraising activities conducted by or for such institution to the extent that such records reveal (i) personal fundraising strategies relating to identifiable donors or prospective donors or (ii) wealth assessments; estate, financial, or tax planning information; health-related information; employment, familial, or marital status information; electronic mail addresses, facsimile or telephone numbers; birth dates or social security numbers of identifiable donors or prospective donors. This bill is identical to HB 407.
Patron - Houck

P SB131

Freedom of Information Act; electronic meetings; authority of local public bodies. Allows any local governing body, school board, or any authority, board, bureau, commission, district, or agency of local government to meet by electronic communication means without a quorum of the public body physically assembled at one location when the Governor has declared a state of emergency in accordance with § 44-146.17, provided (i) the catastrophic nature of the declared emergency makes it impracticable or unsafe to assemble a quorum in a single location and (ii) the purpose of the meeting is to address the emergency. The local public body convening the meeting shall (a) give public notice using the best available method given the nature of the emergency, which notice shall be given contemporaneously with the notice provided members of the local public body conducting the meeting; (b) make arrangements for public access to such meeting; and (c) otherwise comply with the provisions for electronic communication meetings. The nature of the emergency and the fact that the meeting was held by electronic communication means shall be stated in the minutes. The bill contains a technical amendment. The bill is a recommendation of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council. This bill is identical to HB 854.
Patron - Houck

P SB132

Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act (GDCDPA); personal information; definition; collection of same; penalty for violation; jurisdiction of district courts. Provides that no agency shall require an individual to furnish or disclose his social security number (SSN) or driver's license number unless the furnishing or disclosure of such number is (i) authorized or required by state or federal law and (ii) essential for the performance of that agency's duties. The bill also strengthens the remedies provisions of the GDCDPA by adding civil penalties matching those in FOIA, and grants general district courts the authority to hear GDCDPA cases. Additionally, the bill has enactment clauses giving it a delayed effective date of July 1, 2009, and requires state agencies to study their own collection and use of SSNs and report to the FOIA Council and JCOTS on such collection and use by October 1, 2008. The bill also contains a fourth enactment clause providing for the gathering of similar information about the use and collection of SSNs by cities, counties and towns with a population greater than 15,000. The bill is a recommendation of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council and JCOTS. This bill is identical to HB 634.
Patron - Houck

P SB199

Regulation of charitable gaming; Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Abolishes the Department of Charitable Gaming and places the regulation of charitable gaming under the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Patron - Puller

P SB206

State-owned communications towers; broadband service. Requires state agencies to lease or convey a license or other interest in a state-owned communication tower for which they are responsible to qualified providers of wireless broadband service in order to deploy broadband Internet service in areas of the Commonwealth that do not have access to terrestrial broadband or radio frequency Internet service. The requirement is subject to the provider presenting a spectrum and certified structural analysis of the tower and proof that the tower satisfies all applicable local government requirements. The conveyance shall require payment of such consideration as the Director of the Department of General Services deems appropriate and which is commensurate with the consideration paid for use of comparable space on similar towers. This bill is identical to HB 1329.
Patron - Stuart

P SB210

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); certain audit records of the Virginia Department of Transportation. Creates an exemption from FOIA for trade secrets and financial records, including balance sheets and financial statements, that are not generally available to the public through regulatory disclosure or otherwise; and revenue and cost projections supplied by a private or nongovernmental entity to the Inspector General of the Virginia Department of Transportation for the purpose of an audit, special investigation, or any study requested by the Inspector General's Office.
Patron - Stosch

P SB235

Innovative Technology Authority; powers of board of directors. Authorizes the Board of the Authority to designate the President and staff of the Center for Innovative Technology to carry out the day-to-day operations and activities of the Authority and to perform such other duties as may be directed by the Board. The bill is identical to HB 578.
Patron - Whipple

P SB236

Innovative Technology Authority; board of directors. Removes the Secretaries of Education and Commerce and Trade, as well the Director of the State Council of Higher Education, from the board of directors of the Authority. The bill also makes a technical correction. This bill is identical to HB 748.
Patron - Whipple

P SB252

Workforce development; Governor's responsibilities. Provides that the strategic plan for workforce development shall be developed in coordination with the development of the comprehensive economic development policy required from the Governor during the first year of his administration. The bill changes the staff support for the Virginia Workforce Council from the Office of the Governor to the Virginia Community College System. The Governor, as Chief Workforce Development Officer, is required to report on the transfer of Workforce Investment Act responsibilities from the Virginia Employment Commission to the Virginia Community College System and to provide evaluations of the accountability and performance of workforce programs. This bill is identical to HB 1312.
Patron - Ruff

P SB288

Local choice health insurance program; centers for independent living. Makes officers and employees of state-funded centers for independent living eligible to participate in the "local choice" health insurance program established by the Department of Human Resource Management.
Patron - Wampler

P SB314

Veterans Services Foundation. Establishes the Veterans Services Foundation as a body politic and corporate for the purposes of carrying out its statutory powers and duties. The bill also (i) adds the Chair of the Joint Leadership Council and eight citizen members appointed by the Speaker of the House and the Senate Committee on Rules to the board of trustees and (ii) clarifies the purpose of the foundation to raise funds from the private sector for veterans services and programs in the state. This bill is identical to HB 477.
Patron - Edwards

P SB315

Office of the Children's Ombudsman. Creates the Office of the Children's Ombudsman to provide ombudsman services, including investigation of complaints, advocacy, and the provision of information for children, parents, and citizens involved with child-serving agencies. The bill is identical to HB 1131.
Patron - Edwards

P SB319

Commonwealth Technology Research Fund; sensor sciences. Adds sensor sciences to the list of fields eligible to receive awards from the Commonwealth Technology Research Fund. This bill is identical to HB 234.
Patron - Wagner

P SB398

Virginia Security of Public Deposits Act; qualified public depository; eligible collateral. Includes as eligible collateral Federal Home Loan Bank letters-of-credit that adhere to the guidelines as promulgated by the Treasury Board. The bill also amends the definition of "qualified public depository" to include banks, trust companies, or savings institutions that are organized under the laws of another state and having a main office or branch office in Virginia where deposits are accepted, checks are paid, and money is lent.
Patron - Puckett

P SB399

Investment of public funds in certificates of deposit. Authorizes public entities to invest public funds in certificates of deposit in one or more federally insured bank or savings institution. The moneys must be initially invested through a federally insured bank or savings institution that is qualified by the Virginia Treasury Board to accept public deposits.
Patron - Puckett

P SB478

State and Local Government Conflict of Interest Act; acceptance of awards. Allows an employee of local government to receive an award or payment in honor of meritorious or exceptional service. Currently, only such awards or payments to teachers or other employees of local school boards are allowed. This bill is identical to HB 1334.
Patron - Hanger

P SB479

Office of Comprehensive Services and the Comprehensive Services Act; best practices. Requires the Director of the Office of Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families to identify, disseminate, and provide annual training for CSA staff and other interested parties on best practices and evidence-based practices related to the Comprehensive Services Program.
Patron - Hanger

P SB483

Comprehensive Services Act; data collection performance standards. Requires the State Executive Council to (i) oversee the development and implementation of uniform data collection standards, utilizing a secure electronic client-specific database for CSA-funded services; (ii) oversee the development and implementation of a uniform set of performance measures for evaluating the CSA program; and (iii) oversee the development and distribution of management reports that provide information to the public and community policy and management teams (CPMT) to help evaluate child and family outcomes and public and private provider performance. The bill requires the Director of the Office of Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families to implement the provisions of this bill. This bill incorporates SB 481, SB 482, SB 484, SB 485, and SB 486.
Patron - Hanger

P SB487

Comprehensive Services Act; intensive care coordination and service planning. Requires the State Executive Council to oversee the development and implementation of mandatory uniform guidelines for intensive care coordination services for children who are at risk of entering, or are placed in, residential care through the Comprehensive Services Act program. The community policy and management team is responsible for establishing policies for providing intensive care coordination services. The bill also requires family assessment and planning teams to identify children who are at risk of entering, or are placed in, residential care through the Comprehensive Services Act program who can be appropriately and effectively served in their homes, relatives' homes, family-like settings, and communities and coordinate services and develop a plan for returning the child to his home, relative's home, family-like setting, or community. This bill incorporates SB 480, SB 488, and SB 489, and SB 658. This bill is identical to HB 503.
Patron - Hanger

P SB517

Public body contracts; illegal alien employment. Requires that all public bodies provide in every written contract that the contractor does not, and shall not during the performance of the contract for goods and services in the Commonwealth, knowingly employ an unauthorized alien as defined in the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. This bill is identical to HB 1298.
Patron - Cuccinelli

P SB520

State Interoperability Executive Committee. Codifies the State Interoperability Executive Committee, which assists the Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator. This bill is identical to HB 839.
Patron - Watkins

P SB533

State and Local Government Conflict of Interest Act; disclosure of real estate interests. Requires local government officers and certain local government employees to list all real property in which they have an ownership interest including a partnership interest and any option, easement, or land contract. Currently, local government officers and employees are required to list real estate located in the county, city, or town in which they serve as an officer or employee and in any contiguous county, city, or town.
Patron - Herring

P SB574

Council on Virginia's Future. Extends the sunset date from July 1, 2008, to July 1, 2013, for the Council on Virginia's Future.
Patron - Saslaw

P SB580

Virginia War Memorial Foundation. Replaces the Secretary of Administration with the Secretary of Public Safety and the Commissioner of Veterans Services as ex officio members of the board of trustees of the Virginia War Memorial Foundation. Under the bill, the Department of Veterans Services replaces the Department of General Services in providing administrative support to the Foundation.
Patron - Edwards

P SB593

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); meeting exemption; tourism and economic development. Allows the discussion or consideration of confidential proprietary records provided by a private business to certain state, local, or regional industrial or economic development authorities or organizations for business, trade and tourism development to be conducted in meetings not open to the public.
Patron - Norment

P SB653

Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Commission. Creates the Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Commission in the executive branch of state government to encourage the economic development of Southwest Virginia through the expansion of cultural heritage ventures and initiatives related to tourism and other asset-based enterprises, including the Southwest Virginia Artisan Center, the Crooked Road, Round The Mountain, and related cultural heritage organizations and venues that promote entrepreneurial and employment opportunities. This bill is identical to HB 781.
Patron - Wampler

P SB662

Virginia War Memorial. Requires the State Comptroller to advance a loan of $5.97 million for the state share of the construction of an educational wing for the Virginia War Memorial and the expansion of the Shrine of Memory for to include Virginians killed in action in the War on Terror, in the form of a short-term treasury loan, with no interest, upon certification by the Governor or his desginee that (i) $2 million in private funds have been raised and the funds are either available or have been expended, and (ii) the funds were or will be used to support the projects. The State Treasurer shall advance $500,000 of the $5.97 million upon certification that $1 million in private funds have been raised or expended for the educational wing.
Patron - Stosch

P SB680

Service-disabled veteran-owned small business programs. Aligns Virginia's eligibility requirements for participation in the Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Program with federal eligibility requirements set by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Patron - Wagner

P SB683

Virginia Commission on Higher Education Board Appointments; sunset. Removes the sunset on the Virginia Commission on Higher Education Board Appointments. This bill incorporates SB 302 and is identical to HB 776.
Patron - Norment

P SB701

Department of Aging; coordination of long-term care services. Adds to the membership of the local long-term care coordination committee organizations providing housing and transportation services, and other appropriate organizations providing long-term care services. This bill is identical to HB 1447.
Patron - Lucas

P SB726

Freedom of Information Act; records and meetings of Innovative Technology Authority. Exempts from public disclosure certain proprietary records submitted to the Innovative Technology Authority as part of a grant application. The bill also allows meetings of the Innovative Technology Authority to be closed when the exempt records are being discussed. This bill is identical to HB 1458.
Patron - Petersen

P SB734

Administrative Process Act (APA); public participation guidelines. Requires, on or before July 1, 2008, the Department of Planning and Budget, in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, to (i) develop model public participation guidelines and (ii) provide these model public participation guidelines to each agency that has the authority to promulgate regulations. By December 1, 2008, each agency shall either (a) adopt the model public participation guidelines or (b) if significant additions or changes are proposed, promulgate the model public participation guidelines with the proposed changes as fast-track regulations pursuant to § 2.2-4012.1. Agency action in adopting the model public participation guidelines in accordance with clause (a) shall be exempt from the APA. Any regulatory action commenced on or after January 1, 2009, shall use the model public participation guidelines in the form adopted by an agency. Thereafter, any amendments to an agency's public participation guidelines must be done in accordance with the APA. This bill is identical to HB 1167.
Patron - Smith

P SB741

Department of Human Resource Management; staff augmentation services. Provides for the Department of Human Resource Management to work jointly with the Department of General Services and the Virginia Information Technologies Agency to develop expedited processes for the procurement of staff augmentation to supplement salaried and wage employees of state agencies. Under the bill, the Department of Human Resource Management may perform contract administration duties and responsibilities for any resulting statewide augmentation contracts.
Patron - Hanger

P SB756

Virginia Career Readiness Certificate Program; creation; report. Creates the Virginia Career Readiness Certificate Program to certify the workplace and college readiness skills of Virginians, in order to better prepare them for continued education and workforce training, successful employment, and career advancement. The Virginia Workforce Council, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall promulgate regulations necessary to implement and administer the Program. Funding shall come from the Workforce Investment Act, or other sources as shall be made available, in an amount not to exceed $1 million. HB 1526 is identical.
Patron - Ruff

P SB760

Veterans services in the Commonwealth. Requires the Department of Veterans Services to establish guidelines for the determination of eligibility for Virginia-domiciled veterans and their spouses, orphans, and dependents for participation in programs and benefits administered by the Department. The bill also establishes the Veterans Services Foundation as a body politic and corporate for the purposes of carrying out its statutory powers and duties. In addition the bill (i) adds the Chair of the Joint Leadership Council to the board of trustees and (ii) clarifies the purpose of the foundation to raise funds from the private sector for veterans services and programs in the state. In addition the bill changes references under the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Veterans Services from the Secretary of Administration to the Secretary of Public Safety. The bill incorporates SB 521.
Patron - Wagner

P SB764

Address confidentiality for victims of domestic violence; program expanded; penalty. Expands the address confidentiality for victims of domestic violence program currently implemented in the County of Arlington to the Counties of Albemarle, Augusta, Dickenson, Fairfax, Henry, Lee, Rockbridge, Russell, Scott, Washington, and Wise as well as the Cities of Buena Vista, Charlottesville, Lexington, Martinsville, Norfolk, and Roanoke. The bill also provides that an applicant to the program may apply in person at a domestic violence program, which is defined as a public and not-for-profit agency the primary mission of which is to provide services to victims of sexual or domestic violence. Currently, such applications are made directly to the Office of the Attorney General.
Patron - Ticer

P SJ126

Center for Innovative Technology; innovation index; report. Requests the Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) to establish a Commonwealth Innovation Index to foster the formation, retention, and expansion of technology-based economic development opportunities. In developing the Innovation Index, CIT shall solicit input from the Commonwealth's regional technology councils and technology community. The index shall serve as a community-driven tool that will enable community and Commonwealth leaders to steer a successful course toward global leadership in advanced technology company formation and attraction while saving tax dollars.
Patron - Stolle


F HB75

Attorney General; official opinions. Adds the general registrar of a locality to the list of individuals and entities who may request advice or official advisory opinions from the Attorney General.
Patron - Toscano

F HB90

Public Procurement Act; verification of legal presence. Requires all public contractors and their subcontractors to register and participate in a federal Electronic Work Verification Program or similar electronic verification of work authorization program to determine that their employees and individual independent contractors are legally eligible for employment in the United States. Contractors and subcontractors are required to verify the employment status of their employees and independent contractors, and are prohibited from employing or contracting with an individual who is not determined to be legally eligible for employment in the United States as determined through the verification of the individual's status. Contractors who do not register and participate in the registration program are ineligible for prequalification.
Patron - Nichols

F HB109

Regulation of firearms by state entities. Prohibits a state agency, council, commission, or other entity from adopting any rules, regulations, or policies governing the purchase, possession, transfer, ownership, carrying, storage, or transporting of firearms, ammunition, or components or combinations thereof, unless expressly authorized by statute. The prohibition does not apply to state, local, and regional correctional facilities or mental health facilities, nor is it to be construed to prohibit a law-enforcement officer from acting within the scope of his duties. Any rule, regulation, or policy adopted prior to July 1, 2007, except for those specifically authorized by statute, will be invalid.
Patron - Cole

F HB164

Department of General Services; Division of Engineering; use of compact fluorescent light bulbs in state-owned and occupied buildings. Requires the use of compact fluorescent light bulbs in state-owned and occupied buildings by January 1, 2011. Under the bill, all state-owned and occupied buildings shall discontinue the use of incandescent light bulbs by December 31, 2010, and in the intervening period replace them with compact fluorescent bulbs. Savings derived from the replacement implementation plan shall be used by the Division to study the appropriate means for disposing of compact fluorescent bulbs that have reached the end of their useful life.
Patron - Poisson

F HB166

Venture capital investments, investment return guarantees. Creates a program under which the Commonwealth makes investment return guarantees for certain investments made between January 1, 2008, and January 1, 2013, in venture capital funds that invest in technology firms located in the Commonwealth. The Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority shall administer the program. A venture capital fund eligible under the program must have an office in the Commonwealth and an established history of investing in businesses or industries that are in the early stages of development and must enter into a contract with the Authority under which it promises to use its best efforts to invest three times the amount of principal it receives in technology firms located in Virginia. Pension funds, endowments, and other institutions investing in eligible venture capital funds shall receive investment return guarantees from the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth guarantees a 10 percent average annual rate of return over a 10-year horizon to such institutions incorporated or having administrative headquarters located in the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth guarantees to all other institutions that they will not lose any of their principal investment over the 10-year period. The financial guarantees are in the form of supplemental appropriations to such institutions such that the guaranteed rates of return are realized.
Patron - Purkey

F HB187

Virginia Public Procurement Act; bid, payment, and performance bonds; alternate forms of security. Expands the forms of alternate bid, payment, and performance security that may be used to include a bond provided or executed by an individual surety provided that (i) the person acting as the individual surety transacts business only through an insurance agency licensed by the Bureau of Insurance of the State Corporation Commission; (ii) the person acting as the individual surety provides an affidavit of individual surety in a form acceptable to the Department of General Services; and (iii) pledges certain assets in the amount equal to 100 percent of the contract value for the total penal amount of the performance and payment bonds or the penal amount of the bid as required by the bid bond.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

F HB198

Department of Law; establishment of Division of Human Rights; elimination of the Human Rights Council; penalties. Eliminates the Human Rights Council and establishes the Division of Human Rights within the Department of Law to carry out the powers and duties of the Human Rights Council. The bill contains technical amendments.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

F HB203

Searchable budget database website. Requires the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget to maintain a searchable budget database website that would allow persons to search and aggregate information for individual or specific appropriations or budget items. The Director would be required to have the database operational by July 1, 2009. When fully operational, all data in the database would be maintained for a minimum of 10 years. The bill would repeal a current provision that requires the Auditor of Public Accounts to maintain an online searchable database providing certain state expenditure, revenue, and demographic information. This bill is incorporated into HB 1360.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

F HB206

Department of Consumer Affairs. Removes the Office of Consumer Affairs from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and establishes it as the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA). The DCA will be headed by a Director appointed by the Governor to serve at his pleasure. The DCA will be the successor in interest to the Office of Consumer Affairs by serving as the central coordinating agency and clearinghouse for receiving and investigating complaints by Virginia consumers of illegal, fraudulent, deceptive, or dangerous practices.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

F HB236

Identification cards, licenses, and driver's licenses. Requires that these documents be made of a material and in a form designed to prevent duplication, alteration, and counterfeiting.
Patron - Cosgrove

F HB313

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); working papers and correspondence. Removes the current exemption in FOIA for working papers and correspondence for the president or other chief executive officer of any public institution of higher education in Virginia.
Patron - Landes

F HB390

Compromised Data Notification Act. Creates the Compromised Data Notification Act, which, following discovery or notification of a breach of a security system, requires a state agency that owns or licenses computerized data that includes personal information to provide notice of the breach to all residents of Virginia whose unencrypted personal information was or is reasonably believed to have been acquired by an unauthorized person. The notice shall be given in the most expedient time possible and without unreasonable delay, consistent with the legitimate needs of law enforcement or any measures necessary to determine the scope of the breach and restore the reasonable integrity of the system. This bill has been incorporated into HB 1469.
Patron - Bulova

F HB415

Commonwealth Competition Council. Repeals the Commonwealth Competition Council.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

F HB416

Innovative Technology Authority; repealed. Repeals the Innovative Technology Authority and the Center for Innovative Technology. The bill moves the Advanced Communications Assistance Fund, the Commonwealth Technology Research Fund, and the Biotechnology Commercialization Loan Fund under the supervision of the Virginia Economic Development Partnership.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

F HB423

Searchable budget database website. Requires the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget to maintain a searchable budget database website that would allow persons to search and aggregate information for individual or specific appropriations or budget items. The Director would be required to have the database operational by July 1, 2009. When fully operational, all data in the database would be maintained for a minimum of 10 years. The bill would require to the Director to work with the Auditor of Public Accounts and the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to avoid any duplication of efforts. This bill is incorporated into HB 1360.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

F HB426

Virginia Public Procurement Act; bid, payment, and performance bonds; alternate forms of security. Expands the forms of alternate bid, payment, and performance security that may be used to include a bond provided or executed by an individual surety provided that (i) the person acting as the individual surety transacts business only through an insurance agency licensed by the Bureau of Insurance of the State Corporation Commission; (ii) the person acting as the individual surety provides an affidavit of individual surety in a form acceptable to the Department of General Services; and (iii) pledges certain assets in the amount equal to 100 percent of the contract value for the total penal amount of the performance and payment bonds or the penal amount of the bid as required by the bid bond.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

F HB497

Center for Innovative Technology (CIT); duties. Requires CIT to perform a biennial survey of the Commonwealth's technology industry to assess the current and projected demand for science, math, and technology-related graduates and identify the types of graduates most desired by the technology industry. The bill requires CIT to report its findings to the Joint Commission on Technology and Science and the Commonwealth's institutions of higher education.
Patron - Cosgrove

F HB595

State funds; state officials and employees; payment for certain communication devices and services prohibited. Prohibits the use of state funds to pay for the cellular phone, pager, or cable television service of any person unless the service is provided for use in performance of an official or contractual obligation or task.
Patron - Marshall, D.W.

F HB623

Enforcement of immigration laws; agreement with United States Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. States that it is the responsibility of the Governor to enter into a memorandum of agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement that would allow designated state and local law-enforcement officers to perform certain federal immigration law functions in the Commonwealth. Such an agreement is often referred to as an agreement under the federal 287(g) program.
Patron - Miller, J.H.

F HB676

Commission on Climate Change; report. Establishes a Climate Change Commission in the executive branch of government to develop a Climate Change Action Plan that: (i) characterizes the quantity and source of greenhouse gas emissions in the Commonwealth; (ii) identifies the potential impacts and effects of increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations on the state; (iii) identifies actions necessary to prepare for and mitigate the likely consequences of climate change; (iv) quantifies a greenhouse gas reduction target; (v) identifies and evaluates both state and regional climate action plans that address climate change and greenhouse gas emissions; and (vi) identifies economically viable programs, policies, and actions that are needed to meet state targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In its development of the Climate Change Action Plan, the Commission shall consider demand-side energy conservation by utilities and consumers, expanding renewable energy portfolios, rate decoupling, time-of-use pricing, mandatory energy efficiency measures, and transportation demand management. Wherever possible, the Commission shall examine opportunities to couple greenhouse gas reductions with economic development and other market-based approaches to statewide greenhouse gas reductions. This bill was incorporated into HB 796.
Patron - Plum

F HB693

Small business health insurance pools; advisor. Requires the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to create the position of Small Business Health Insurance Advisor to assist small businesses in forming health insurance pools, as authorized by state and federal law. This bill was incorporated into HB 807.
Patron - Armstrong

F HB793

Secretary of Natural Resources; development of strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Requires the Secretary to develop a comprehensive plan by January 1, 2010, that, if adopted by the General Assembly, is capable of providing a 30 percent reduction of the 2005 greenhouse gas emissions level by 2025 and an 80 percent reduction of the 2005 greenhouse gas emissions level by 2050.
Patron - Englin

F HB807

Small business health insurance pools; advisor. Requires the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to create the position of Small Business Health Insurance Advisor to assist small businesses in forming health insurance pools, as authorized by state and federal law. This bill incorporates HB 693.
Patron - Englin

F HB834

Irrigation systems; state-owned buildings and private property. Requires the Division of Engineering and Buildings, in every state-owned building or facility designed, constructed, or substantially altered after July 1, 2008, that includes as part of such design, construction, or alteration the installation of an outdoor automatic sprinkler or irrigation system, to insure that such system shall have furnished and installed technology that inhibits or interrupts operation of the landscape irrigation system during periods of sufficient moisture or rainfall. The technology shall be adjustable either by the end user or the professional practitioner of landscape irrigation services. The bill also provides that every outdoor automatic sprinkler or irrigation system installed after July 1, 2008, by a landscape irrigation contractor shall be equipped with technology that inhibits or interrupts operation of the landscape irrigation system during periods of sufficient moisture or rainfall. The technology shall be adjustable either by the end user or the professional practitioner of landscape irrigation services. The bill provides that this latter provision shall not apply to systems operating on golf courses or agricultural lands.
Patron - Moran

F HB909

Virginia Nanotechnology Authority; established. Establishes the Virginia Nanotechnology Authority to promote development of nanotechnology in Virginia. The Authority will be responsible for administering a fund to be used to provide industry and institutions of higher education with discovery grants, collaboration grants, and prototype grants. The Authority will be governed by a board of directors and managed by a president at the direction of the Board. The president is responsible for creating a virtual Virginia Nanotechnology Users Network to facilitate research and development of nanotechnology at the Commonwealth's institutions of higher education.
Patron - Purkey

F HB910

Technology, Nanotechnology and Biotechnology Investment Fund created. Creates the Technology, Nanotechnology and Biotechnology Investment Fund to attract technology or biotechnology companies to, or assist those companies located in, the Commonwealth. Moneys in the Fund shall only be applied to qualified research expenses and basic research payments (as defined by § 41 of the Internal Revenue Code) for research conducted in the Commonwealth. Qualified research expenses are defined as in-house expenses or contract research expenses, paid by a technology or biotechnology company. Basic research payments are defined as payments made to companies and nonprofit research institutions and organizations located in the Commonwealth for research in technology and biotechnology. No grant to a company from the Fund is to exceed $500,000 per year. The Innovative Technology Authority shall administer this fund.
Patron - Purkey

F HB928

Illegal immigration; penalty. Adopts several measures aimed at curbing illegal immigration in the Commonwealth. The bill requires all public bodies and their contractors to register and participate in a federal work authorization program operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security to verify information on all new employees, and requires all agencies providing benefits to verify the recipient's immigration status. State institutions of higher education would be prohibited from providing in-state tuition to illegal aliens. The bill requires that if an independent contractor fails to provide documentation of the contractor's employment authorization, the contracting entity must withhold state income tax at the top marginal income tax rate from any compensation paid to the contractor. The bill makes it a Class 6 felony to harbor, transport, or conceal an illegal alien. In addition, the immigration status of any individual arrested on suspicion of a felony or of driving under the influence must be verified. To aid in the enforcement of immigration laws, the Attorney General is authorized to negotiate the terms of a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Homeland Security that would allow law-enforcement officers in the Commonwealth to perform certain immigration functions. In addition, the Department of State Police is directed to establish a division of fraudulent document identification to investigate the sale and distribution of fraudulent documents in the Commonwealth.
Patron - Gilbert

F HB943

Veterans services in the Commonwealth. Changes references under the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Veterans Services from the Secretary of Administration to the Secretary of Public Safety. The bill also clarifies the purpose of the Veterans Services Foundation to provide funding for veteran services and programs in the Commonwealth. This bill was incorporated in HB 229.
Patron - Jones, D.C.

F HB1019

Telecommuting; state agencies to keep savings. Authorizes state agencies to retain the unappropriated balance in the general appropriation act realized as a direct result of implementing a telecommuting program within the agency.
Patron - Hugo

F HB1020

Freedom of Information Act; electronic meetings; interim study committees. Permits interim study committees of the General Assembly to conduct meetings using electronic communications without meeting physical presence requirements for a quorum. Members participating in such meetings through electronic communications shall count towards quorum requirements and have full voting rights.
Patron - Hugo

F HB1030

Procurement contracts; state contractors to offer telecommuting to employees. Requires the contractor to make every effort to offer telecommuting or alternative work schedules to its employees, based on the state telecommuting and alternative work schedule guidelines, except where there is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the contractor.
Patron - Frederick

F HB1064

Veterans Services; mental health program. Requires the Commissioner of Veterans Services to develop, in cooperation with the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and the Department of Rehabilitative Services, a strategy for coordinating the various programs that address the unique mental health needs of veterans, including post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries, and to seek additional federal, state, and private sources of funding for such programs. This bill was incorporated into HB 475.
Patron - Brink

F HB1096

Protection of Social Security Numbers Act; penalties. Creates the Protection of Social Security Numbers Act, which prohibits every agency from releasing those portions of a public record that contain the social security number of any individual. The bill contains several exemptions from this general rule and also allows disclosure of the last four digits of a social security number to certain entities for the purpose of verifying identity. The bill provides for penalties for violation and contains technical amendments.
Patron - Sickles

F HB1102

Freedom of Information Act; records containing social security numbers. Exempts from the mandatory disclosure requirements of the Freedom of Information Act those portions of records containing an individual's social security number; except that access shall not be denied to the person who is the subject thereof. Any person who is the subject of any such record and who is 18 years of age or older may waive, in writing, these protections. If the protections are so waived, the public body shall open such records for inspection and copying.
Patron - Sickles

F HB1104

Veterans services in the Commonwealth. Changes references under the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Veterans Services from the Secretary of Administration to the Secretary of Public Safety. The bill also (i) adds the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Veterans Services Foundation as a non voting member of the Joint Leadership Council of Veterans Service Organizations, (ii) adds the Chair of the Joint Leadership Council of Veterans Services Organizations as a voting member of the board of trustees of the Veterans Services Foundation, and (iii) establishes the Veterans Services Foundation as a body politic and corporate to provide funding for veteran services and programs in the Commonwealth. This bill was incorporated into HB 229.
Patron - Bouchard

F HB1184

Financial and management review of all state agencies. Directs the Governor to initiate on July 1, 2008, an operational and programmatic performance review of (i) the Department of Health, (ii) the Department of Education, and (iii) primary and secondary education funded by the Commonwealth, which review shall be concluded by December 1, 2008. The review shall be conducted by a private management consulting firm. The goal of the review is to effect savings in expenditures, a reduction in duplication of effort, and programmatic efficiencies in the operation of state government.
Patron - Lingamfelter

F HB1189

Appropriations; funding for anti-child-exploitation law enforcement. Provides both one-time and ongoing appropriations to fund anti-child-exploitation law-enforcement efforts in the Commonwealth.
Patron - Moran

F HB1195

Department of General Services; Green Buildings Act. Requires all major facility projects of state agencies to be constructed to meet the United States Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) silver certification standard, unless granted an exemption by the Director of the Department of General Services. Such projects will not be required to obtain official LEED certification. Application of the requirement will be phased in over the next three years based on the square footage of the project. The provisions of the bill do not apply to construction projects of public school districts. The bill also requires the use of compact fluorescent light bulbs in state-owned and occupied buildings by January 1, 2010.
Patron - Moran

F HB1357

Department of the Treasury; excess funds in the Revenue Stabilization Fund. Establishes a mechanism to provide tax relief to Virginia taxpayers when the Auditor of Public Accounts determines the Revenue Stabilization Fund has reached its maximum size as provided in the Constitution of Virginia. The excess funds will be deposited in a special nonreverting fund titled the "Virginia Taxpayer Surplus Relief Fund" to be used by the next session of the General Assembly to provide tax relief to Virginia taxpayers. This bill was incorporated into HB 1318.
Patron - Cline

F HB1358

Procurement of services by certain state agencies. Requires the Director of the Division of Purchases and Supply of the Department of General Services to require each state agency, except two- and four-year public institutions of higher education and law-enforcement agencies, to procure nonprofessional services from private sector if such services are listed in the Commonwealth Competition Council's list. The bill also provides that upon a written determination made in advance by a state agency that the procurement of services from a commercial source is neither practicable nor fiscally advantageous, such service may continue to be performed by the state agency.
Patron - Cline

F HB1359

Department of Planning and Budget; submissions to the General Assembly. Requires the Department of Planning and Budget, in addition to providing copies of all agency budget estimates, to prepare an analysis of such estimates for the deliberative use of the Governor and the General Assembly, such analysis to include, but not be limited to, (i) appropriations requested as compared to the prior year, (ii) a brief description of each agency's priorities for receiving funding, and (iii) a discussion of major changes or initiatives recommended for the ensuing fiscal year. The Department is required to submit the estimates and analysis to the Governor and, within 30 days thereof, submit the same to the chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance.
Patron - Cline

F HB1416

Alcoholic beverage control; tax increases; substance abuse treatment fund. Requires the ABC Board to deduct quarterly five percent from its net profits to be paid into the Substance Abuse Treatment Fund, which is created in the bill. The fund shall be administered by the Secretary of Health and Human Resources and money in the fund shall be used solely to support substance abuse treatment programs throughout Virginia. The bill also raises the excise tax on beer and wine coolers and the liter tax on wine.
Patron - Ware, O.

F HB1472

Employment discrimination; speaking English. Provides that discharging or taking other employment-related action with regard to an employee on the basis of the employee's failure or refusal to comply with his employer's requirement that English be spoken or used while at work for a legitimate business purpose shall not be deemed to constitute discrimination on the basis of national origin. Currently, employers with more than five but less than 15 employees are prohibited from discharging an employee on the basis of national origin.
Patron - Cole

F HB1474

Secretary of Education; Citizenship Assistance Initiative Program. Establishes the Virginia Citizenship Assistance Initiative Program within the Office of the Secretary of Education to serve as a public resource for linking legal permanent residents directly to the information and services they need to successfully pursue citizenship. The Initiative is to be established as a nonprofit legal entity to (i) directly assist legal immigrants in Virginia become United States citizens; (ii) encourage legal immigrants to independently initiate their naturalization process; and (iii) help new citizens participate fully in civic life in Virginia.
Patron - Eisenberg

F HB1485

Native American Month and Day of Appreciation. Changes the current reference to the "American Indian Month" and the "Day of Appreciation for American Indians" to "Native American Month" and "Day of Appreciation for Native Americans."
Patron - Hall

F HB1493

Nondiscrimination in state public employment. Prohibits discrimination in state government employment based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or status as a special disabled veteran or other veteran covered by the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act of 1974.
Patron - Ebbin

F HB1497

Small business health insurance pools; advisor. Requires the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to create the position of Small Business Health Insurance Advisor to assist small businesses in forming health insurance pools, as authorized by state and federal law.
Patron - Marshall, D.W.

F HB1504

Compromised Data Notification Act. Creates the Compromised Data Notification Act, which, following discovery or notification of a breach of a security system, requires a state agency that owns or licenses computerized data that includes personal information to provide notice of the breach to all residents of Virginia whose unencrypted personal information was or is reasonably believed to have been acquired by an unauthorized person. The notice shall be given in the most expedient time possible and without unreasonable delay, consistent with the legitimate needs of law enforcement or any measures necessary to determine the scope of the breach and restore the reasonable integrity of the system. This bill has been incorporated into HB 1469.
Patron - Nixon

F HB1522

Department of Business Assistance; Virginia Economic Development Partnership. Abolishes the Department of Business Assistance and transfers its duties to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership.
Patron - Massie

F HB1547

The 21st Century Capital Improvement Program. Creates the 21st Century Capital Improvement Program which is a dynamic program for the orderly and systematic programming and financing of capital projects throughout the Commonwealth that will be revised annually for the acquisition, development, enhancement, planning, or replacement of public facilities over a multiyear period. In addition, the bill provides an initial list of the Program's projects; a list of projects to be constructed by bonds issued by the Virginia College Building Authority and the Virginia Public Building Authority, and a list of projects whose planning costs will be appropriated in the Budget Bill.
Patron - Putney

F HB1554

Virginia Public Procurement Act; small, women-, or minority-owned businesses. Requires the Department of General Services, in conjunction with the Department of Minority Business Enterprise, to develop a program that insures that at least 15 percent of state procurement contracts are awarded to small, women-, and minority-owned businesses located in historically underutilized business zones (HUB Zone) that meet certain requirements. The bill defines HUB Zone.
Patron - McClellan

F HB1563

Telecommuting; reports to the General Assembly. Requires the Secretary of Technology to work in conjunction with the Secretary of Administration and Secretary of Transportation in advising and assisting the public and private sectors regarding telecommuting. The bill also places the primary reporting responsibility with the Secretary of Technology, as opposed to the Secretary of Administration. The Secretary of Technology must report annually by October 1 to the General Assembly on the status and efficiency of telecommuting in the Commonwealth.
Patron - Scott, J.M.

F HJ237

Center for Innovative Technology; innovation index; report. Requests the Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) to establish a Commonwealth Innovation Index to foster the formation, retention, and expansion of technology-based economic development opportunities. In developing the Innovation Index, CIT shall solicit input from the Commonwealth's regional technology councils and technology community. The index shall serve as a community-driven tool that will enable community and Commonwealth leaders to steer a successful course toward global leadership in advanced technology company formation and attraction while saving tax dollars.
Patron - Rust

F SB257

State Interoperability Executive Committee. Codifies the State Interoperability Executive Committee, which assists the Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator.
Patron - Deeds

F SB302

Virginia Commission on Higher Education Board Appointments; sunset. Removes the sunset on the Virginia Commission on Higher Education Board Appointments. This bill was incorporated into SB 683 and is identical to HB 776.
Patron - Houck

F SB338

Public funds; payment for membership to professional associations in certain instances prohibited. Provides that no public funds may be used to pay for the membership of any employee in a professional association as a condition of employment unless membership in the professional association is required for the employee to maintain a professional or occupational license, certification, or registration that is directly related to the performance of official duties.
Patron - Cuccinelli

F SB346

State Office of Accountability. Establishes the State Office of Accountability to be headed by a State Inspector General to investigate complaints alleging fraud, waste, abuse, corruption, or mistreatment of citizens of the Commonwealth by a locality or state agency or public officers and employees. The bill also authorizes the State Inspector General to examine the management and operation of state agencies and provides a record exemption under the Freedom of Information Act for certain documents of the Office.
Patron - Blevins

F SB348

Department of the Treasury; Risk Management Division; coverage for area agencies on aging. Clarifies that automobile insurance for vehicles used by local chapters or programs of the Meals on Wheels Association of America or any area agency on aging to provide nutritional services to the elderly, homebound, or disabled are to be included in the coverage provided under the State's risk management plan.
Patron - Blevins

F SB426

Public Procurement Act; verification of legal presence. Requires all public contractors and their subcontractors to register and participate in a federal Electronic Work Verification Program or similar electronic verification of work authorization program to determine that their employees and individual independent contractors are legally eligible for employment in the United States. Contractors and subcontractors are required to verify the employment status of their employees and independent contractors, and are prohibited from employing or contracting with an individual who is not determined to be legally eligible for employment in the United States as determined through the verification of the individual's status. Contractors who do not register and participate in the registration program are ineligible for prequalification.
Patron - Barker

F SB433

Enforcement of immigration laws; agreement with United States Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. States that it is the responsibility of the Governor to enter into a memorandum of agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement that would allow designated state and local law-enforcement officers to perform certain federal immigration law functions in the Commonwealth. Such an agreement is often referred to as an agreement under the federal 287(g) program.
Patron - Vogel

F SB447

Green Building Act; Department of General Services; capital outlay projects; standards applicable to certain buildings. Requires all major facility projects of state agencies to be designed to meet the standards of the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design building rating system or the Green Building Initiative's Green Globes building rating system. Application of the requirement will be phased in over the next three years based on the square footage of the project. The provisions of the bill do not apply to construction projects of public school districts.
Patron - Petersen

F SB480

Comprehensive Services Act; utilization review. Requires the State Executive Council to oversee development and implementation of uniform standards of utilization review to include review of how individual need for services is determined, how services are procured, and how services are delivered. This bill has been incorporated into SB 487.
Patron - Hanger

F SB481

Data Collection; residential service providers. Requires the State Executive Council to develop and implement uniform data collection standards to collect data on residential service providers and residential services provided under the Comprehensive Services Act program and to develop uniform outcome measures to evaluate residential services provided under the Comprehensive Services Act program. This bill has been incorporated into SB 483.
Patron - Hanger

F SB484

Comprehensive Services Act; cost of services. Adds data regarding the number of youth and families eligible for CSA-funded services, the type of services provided, and the cost of services to the list of data that the State Executive Council is required to collect and for which the State Executive Council is required to develop and implement data collection standards. This bill has been incorporated into SB 483.
Patron - Hanger

F SB485

Comprehensive Services Act; data collection. Requires the Office of Comprehensive Services to include in its child-level data set a field (i) identifying the facility in which a child receives services, including any residential service provider's identification number, (ii) indicating the circumstances under which each child ends each service, and (iii) indicating the circumstances under which each child exits the Comprehensive Services Act program. This bill has been incorporated into SB 483.
Patron - Hanger

F SB486

Comprehensive Services Act; client-specific database. Requires the State Executive Council to oversee development and implementation of data collection standards and collection of data for a client-specific database. This bill has been incorporated into SB 483.
Patron - Hanger

F SB488

State Executive Council for Comprehensive Services; duties. Requires the State Executive Council to develop and implement an intensive case management services system, including uniform standards for case management for children in residential care. This bill has been incorporated into SB 487.
Patron - Hanger

F SB489

Community Policy and Management Teams; duties. Requires CPMTs to identify children in residential care facilities who can be appropriately served in their homes and communities and to develop a plan for the return of such children from residential care to their homes and communities. Plans shall identify any community-based services which may be necessary for each child and provide for the coordination of services and the monitoring of children returning to their homes or communities from residential care. This bill has been incorporated into SB 487.
Patron - Hanger

F SB516

Public employment; required eligibility verification documentation. Prohibits state and local government agencies from knowingly employing any person who is not a citizen of the United States or who does not provide employment eligibility verification documentation as specified in the Department of Homeland Security Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 indicating that he is legally eligible for employment in the United States. An intentional violation of this prohibition by any state employee or official, after notice from the Governor, or his designees, to desist, shall subject him to suspension or permanent dismissal from employment or office. The bill also requires the Department of Human Resource Management to compile an annual report detailing (i) the number of persons suspended and the length of the suspensions, and (ii) the number of persons permanently dismissed.
Patron - Cuccinelli

F SB521

Veterans services in the Commonwealth. Changes references under the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Veterans Services from the Secretary of Administration to the Secretary of Public Safety. The bill also clarifies the purpose of the Veterans Services Foundation to provide funding for veteran services and programs in the Commonwealth. This bill was incorporated into SB 760.
Patron - Locke

F SB627

Commission on Climate Change; report. Establishes a Climate Change Commission in the executive branch to develop a Climate Change Action Plan that: (i) calculates the size of and contributors to Virginia's carbon footprint; (ii) addresses the effects of increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations on the state; (iii) identifies what the Commonwealth needs to do to prepare for the likely consequences of climate change; and (iv) identifies actions that are needed to meet goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In its development of the Climate Change Action Plan, the Commission shall consider demand-side energy conservation by utilities and consumers; expanding renewable energy portfolios; rate decoupling; time-of-use pricing; and transportation demand management. The Commission will also consult with the Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish and supervise the High School Climate Change Leadership Awards Program and with the State Council of Higher Education to require that a state-supported institution of higher education organize and host a 2009 Mid-Atlantic Regional Climate Change Leadership Consortium. This bill was incorporated into SB 464 (Whipple).
Patron - Ticer

F SB647

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); exemption for certain publicly owned museum records. Exempts from FOIA records of a publicly owned museum that can be used to identify an individual who donates or loans one or more items of personal property to the museum.
Patron - Ticer

F SB658

Comprehensive Services Act Program; case management and residential care plan. Requires the State Executive Council to develop, and localities to implement, a program of case management for residential care to include a provision for residential care plans. Requires family assessment and planning teams to develop, and community policy and management teams to review, residential care plans that include goals for residential care treatment, a provision for monitoring and review of plans, evaluation of progress toward identified goals, and a plan for returning the youth to his home or community at the earliest appropriate time. This bill has been incorporated into SB 487.
Patron - Howell

F SB675

Qualified public depositories; credit unions. Adds state- and federal-chartered credit unions to the institutions that may be qualified public depositories.
Patron - Newman

F SB795

Bonds for Virginia facilities and other projects. Authorizes the issuance of bonds under the Virginia Public Building Authority in a principal amount not to exceed $1,103,600,000 , and under the Virginia College Building Authority with the principal amount of bonds issued for all such projects not to exceed $1,353,729,000. The bill also authorizes the State Treasurer to advance treasury loans in an amount not to exceed the costs of planning for certain capital projects with the total amount of treasury loans advanced for the costs of planning of all such projects not to exceed $95,570,000.
Patron - Colgan

Carried Over

C HB858

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); exemption for certain publicly owned museum records. Exempts from FOIA records of a publicly owned museum that can be used to identify an individual who donates or loans one or more items of personal property to the museum.
Patron - Ebbin

C HB1318

Excess funds in the Revenue Stabilization Fund. Establishes a mechanism to provide tax relief to Virginia taxpayers when the Auditor of Public Accounts determines the Revenue Stabilization Fund has reached its maximum size as provided in the Constitution of Virginia. The excess funds must equal at least $50 million and will be deposited in a special nonreverting fund titled the Virginia Taxpayer Surplus Relief Fund and must be used by the next session of the General Assembly to provide tax relief to Virginia taxpayers. This bill incorporates HB 1357.
Patron - O'Bannon

C HB1360

Searchable budget database website. Requires the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget to maintain a searchable budget database website that would allow persons to search and aggregate information for individual or specific appropriations or budget items. The Director would be required to have the database operational by July 1, 2009. When fully operational, all data in the database would be maintained for a minimum of 10 years. The bill would require to the Director to work with the Auditor of Public Accounts and the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to avoid any duplication of efforts. This bill incorporates HB 201, HB 203, HB 423, HB 1163, HJ 82, and HR 2.
Patron - Cline

C HB1558

Public Procurement Act; verification of legal presence. Requires all public contractors and their subcontractors to register and participate in a federal Electronic Work Verification Program or similar electronic verification of work authorization program to determine that their employees and individual independent contractors are legally eligible for employment in the United States. Contractors and subcontractors are required to verify the employment status of their employees and independent contractors, and are prohibited from employing or contracting with an individual who is not determined to be legally eligible for employment in the United States as determined through the verification of the individual's status. Contractors who do not register and participate in the registration program are ineligible for prequalification. This bill was continued to the 2009 Regular Session of the General Assembly.
Patron - Cline

C SB342

Transfer of state toll facilities. Requires the purchaser of a state toll facility that is a non-Commonwealth public or private entity to agree in writing to conduct all business of the newly acquired toll facility in open meetings under the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.
Patron - Cuccinelli

C SB474

Department of Minority Business Enterprises; powers; certification of sheltered workshops. Requires the Director of the Department of Minority Business Enterprise to establish a certification program for sheltered workshops. The bill further requires sheltered workshops to be included in the procurement goals and programs of state agencies. The bill defines a "sheltered workshop" as a nonprofit business entity or organization that offers transitional or supported employment services serving the disabled.
Patron - Hanger

C SB535

State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act; prohibited conduct for certain officers and employees of local government. Prohibits a local officer and certain local employees from accepting employment with any person or business that was party to any transaction before the local officer's or employee's agency in which the local officer participated in discussion and the final vote taken by the agency on the transaction or the local employee participated in an official capacity during the agency's consideration of the transaction.
Patron - Herring

C SB585

Searchable budget database website. Requires the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget to maintain a searchable budget database website that would allow persons to search and aggregate information for individual or specific appropriations or budget items. The Director would be required to have the database operational by July 1, 2009. When fully operational, all data in the database would be maintained for a minimum of 10 years. The bill would require to the Director to work with the Auditor of Public Accounts and the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to avoid any duplication of efforts.
Patron - Cuccinelli

C SB703

Virginia Tourism Authority; Virginia Motion Picture Incentive Performance Grant Fund. Creates the Virginia Motion Picture Incentive Performance Grant Fund to be administered by the Virginia Film Office. The bill sets out eligibility requirements for obtaining grants by motion picture film production companies.
Patron - Lucas


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