General Assembly>Division of Legislative Services>Publications>Session Summaries>2006>Administration of Government


Administration of Government


P HB15

Severance benefits for state employees. Restricts severance benefits for state employees to those specifically provided by law. The bill defines appointed position and covered employee. The bill provides that any person eligible for transitional severance benefits must have been involuntarily separated due to causes other than job performance or misconduct. The bill applies to appointments made by the Governor and other appointing authorities, including VRS. The bill provides that it shall apply only to persons involuntarily separated on or after July 1, 2006.
Patron - Lingamfelter

P HB64

Performance and payment bonds. Increases the amount of required bid, payment, and performance bonds from $100,000 to $250,000 for transportation-related projects that are partially or wholly funded by the Commonwealth. For payment bonds for such projects, the amount is whatever is satisfactory to the public body.
Patron - Purkey

P HB110

Strategic plan; impact of aging population. Adds to the strategic plan that each state agency is required to prepare an examination of how the aging of the population will affect the agency's ability to deliver services and a description of how it is responding to these changes. Requires each agency to report by October 1 of each year to the Governor and the General Assembly its progress in addressing the impact of aging in the population in at least five specific actions.
Patron - Reid

P HB122

Public procurement; SWAM businesses. Includes small and women business enterprises in the certification program administered by the Department of Minority Business Enterprise. The bill provides that such certification programs shall deny certification to vendors from states that deny like certifications to Virginia-based small, women, or minority business enterprises or that provide a preference for small, women, or minority business enterprises based in that sate that is not available to Virginia-based businesses. The bill requires the Department to adopt regulations that mandate certification, without any additional paperwork or fee, of any prospective state vendor already certified under any certification program that is determined to meet the minimum requirements established in the regulations of the Department. The bill also provides that a business certified by the Department shall not be required by any locality to obtain any additional certification to participate in any program designed to enhance the participation of such businesses as vendors or to remedy any documented disparity. The bill is identical to SB 662.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

P HB203

Equal access to public facilities. Prohibits state agencies and localities from denying use of certain public facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of the USA.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

P HB311

Health insurance for certain state employees; TRICARE Military Health System. Authorizes the Department of Human Resource Management to offer a voluntary supplemental health coverage program for state employees who have primary coverage under the TRICARE Military Health System. HB 1064 is incorporated into this bill.
Patron - Cox

P HB400

High-speed and broadband internet access in underserved areas. Adds a provision in the Governor's Development Opportunity Fund to allow grants or loans for the purpose of installing, extending, or increasing the capacity of high-speed or broadband internet access to rural or underserved areas of the Commonwealth. The bill also amends § 2.2-2238.1 to require the Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority to address, in its program developed under the section, attracting companies that will provide broadband or high-speed internet access to rural and underserved areas of the Commonwealth.
Patron - Wittman

P HB457

State and Local Conflicts of Interest Act; exemption for faculty papers. Provides that an employee's personal interest in a contract with his or her employing public institution of higher education to acquire the collections or scholarly works owned by the employee, including manuscripts, musical scores, poetry, paintings, books or other materials, writings or papers of an academic, research, or cultural value to the institution, provided the president of the institution approves the acquisition of such collections or scholarly works as being in the best interests of the institution's public mission of service, research, or education is not a prohibited contract under the State and Local Conflicts of Interest Act. The bill also provides an exemption for an officer or employee whose personal interest in a contract with the governmental agency is by reason of an ownership in the contracting firm in excess of 3 percent of the contracting firm's equity, provided that the officer or employee's ownership or other equity interest and that of any immediate family member in the contracting firm is disclosed in writing to the head of the governmental agency and that the officer or employee has not and will not participate in the contract negotiations on behalf of the contracting firm or the governmental agency. The bill also contains technical amendments.
Patron - Rust

P HB458

Virginia Public Procurement Act; cooperative procurement; professional services. Allows a public body to enter into cooperative procurements for professional services, except for architectural or engineering services, even though the public body did not participate in the request for proposal or invitation to bid, if the request for proposal or invitation to bid specified that the procurement was being conducted on behalf of other public bodies.
Patron - Rust

P HB476

Severance benefits to state and local officials. Requires that any severance benefits provided to departing Cabinet Secretaries and agency heads at the state level, and any departing official appointed by a local governing body shall be publicly announced by the appointing authority prior to such departure.
Patron - Purkey

P HB543

Lobbyist registration and disclosure. Makes several amendments to registration and disclosure provisions for lobbyists including (i) raising the threshold for reporting any single entertainment event from $50 to $100, (ii) clarifying provisions for exempting uncompensated lobbyists from registration and disclosure requirements, and (iii) adding a definition of "fair market value." The bill is the recommendation of the HJR 186 (2004) Joint Subcommittee Studying Conflicts of Interests and Lobbyist Disclosure Filings.
Patron - Griffith

P HB557

Virginia Public Procurement Act; prohibited contracts. Expands the prohibition on state contracts with vendors who haven't paid state income taxes. The bill provides it shall not apply to any person that has (a) entered into a payment agreement with the Department of Taxation to pay the tax and is not delinquent under the terms of the agreement or (b) appealed the assessment of the tax in accordance with law and such appeal is pending.
Patron - Oder

P HB564

Freedom of Information Act; posting of minutes by state boards and commissions. Clarifies that all boards, commissions, councils, and other public bodies created in the executive branch of state government shall post minutes of their meetings on such body's website, if any, and on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall.
Patron - Nixon

P HB607

Department of Planning and Budget; school efficiency review program. Provides that school divisions shall pay, in addition to 25 percent of the cost of a school efficiency review in the fiscal year immediately following the final school efficiency review report, beginning with reviews completed in fiscal year 2007 additional costs under certain conditions.
Patron - Amundson

P HB664

Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act; applicability. Adds the police department of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel Commission to the list of agencies to which the Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act is inapplicable.
Patron - Wardrup

P HB738

Little League Baseball Challenger Week. Designates the first full week of May preceding Mother's Day of each year as Little League Baseball Challenger Week in Virginia.
Patron - Iaquinto

P HB741

State agencies; collection of debts. Permits state agencies to refrain from collecting any debts owed if the administrative cost of collection likely would exceed the amount owed. The Comptroller shall develop other policies and procedures to reduce the costs of collecting debts owed to state agencies.
Patron - Spruill

P HB845

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); closed meeting exemption; Forensic Science Board and Scientific Advisory Committee. Allows the Forensic Science Board or the Scientific Advisory Committee to meet in a closed meeting when discussing or considering records relating to complaints, memoranda, correspondence, case files or reports, witness statements, and evidence relating to a criminal investigation or prosecution, which records are excluded from FOIA pursuant to subsection F 1 of § 2.2-3706. This bill is identical to SB 557.
Patron - Albo

P HB852

Hospital authorities. Attempts to standardize powers and duties concerning hospital authorities, specifically the Chesapeake Hospital Authority, Patrick Hospital Authority, Richmond Eye and Ear Hospital Authority, all authorities created under Chapter 53 (§ 15.2-5300 et seq.) of Title 15.2, and all hospital or health center commissions created under Chapter 52 (§ 15.2-5200 et seq.) of Title 15.2. The bill also amends the current exemptions for such hospital authorities under the Virginia Public Procurement Act. The bill contains technical amendments.
Patron - O'Bannon

P HB854

Governor; interests of senior citizens and adults with disabilities. Requires the head of each state agency to designate an existing employee who shall be responsible for reviewing policy and program decisions under consideration by the agency in light of the effect of such decisions on senior citizens and adults with disabilities.
Patron - Ebbin

P HB930

Department of General Services. Requires the Department of General Services, in cooperation with the Virginia Information Technologies Agency, to establish and publish in the vendor's manual a procedure for refunding the relevant eVa transaction fees in the event of a change order or cancellation of a contract by a vendor.
Patron - Nutter

P HB949

Department of General Services; Old City Hall. Authorizes the Director of the Department of General Services to record a declaration of historic preservation covenants and agreements relating to the Old City Hall located in Richmond, Virginia.
Patron - Morgan

P HB994

Virginia Public Procurement Act; purchase of certain insurance in construction projects. Allows a public body to purchase an owner-controlled insurance program in connection with any public construction contract where the amount of the contract or combination of contracts is more than $100 million. The bill defines owner-controlled insurance program and provides that no contractor or subcontractor can be required to provide insurance coverage for a construction project if that specified coverage is included in an owner-controlled insurance program in which the contractor or subcontractor is enrolled. The bill also provides that a contract for architectural and professional engineering services cannot be required to participate in such a program, except if the public body elects to secure excess coverage. This bill is identical to SB 271.
Patron - Brink

P HB997

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Commission; sunset. Changes sunset date from July 1, 2006, to July 1, 2009.
Patron - Poisson

P HB1004

Office of Commonwealth Preparedness. Makes permanent the Office of Commonwealth Preparedness and provides for the appointment of a director by the Governor to serve a four-year term. The bill sets out the duties of the Office and also creates the Secure Commonwealth Panel and sets out its membership and duties. The bill contains technical amendments.
Patron - Sherwood

P HB1010

Former cities of Clifton Forge and South Boston. Updates Code references to the former cities of Clifton Forge and South Boston to reflect their new town status. Except as provided herein, this bill simply deletes any reference to "Clifton Forge" or "South Boston" because the counties in which they are situated (Alleghany and Halifax, respectively) are also mentioned in the same amended sections. Also except as provided herein, this bill does not amend the Code to say "Town of Clifton Forge" or "Town of South Boston" because the amended Code sections do not reference any other town in Alleghany or Halifax County. This bill, however, changes all references from "city" to "town" in §§ 15.2-6202, 15.2-6203, 15.2-6209, 15.2-6210, and 15.2-6214 to preserve the General Assembly's intent of fostering economic cooperation between the localities of Alleghany County and the former city/Town of Clifton Forge. Moreover, because the Code establishes the ninth congressional district according to counties, cities, blocks and precincts (and not towns), the bill adds language of "District 1, and District 2" to define those precincts that entirely comprise the former city/Town of Clifton Forge that is wholly situated within the ninth congressional district.
Patron - Hurt

P HB1161

State employees; alternative work schedules. Adds telecommunications connectivity (i.e., broadband Internet access, additional telephone lines, and online collaborative tools) to the list of specific budget items that the heads of state agencies must include in their report to the Secretary of Administration on telecommuting and participation in alternative work schedules by state employees.
Patron - Eisenberg

P HB1183

Virginia Public Procurement Act; procurement of professional services; multiple awards. Provides an exception to the competitive negotiation process for the procurement of professional services where if the terms and conditions for multiple awards are included in the Request for Proposal, a public body may award contracts to more than one offeror.
Patron - Caputo

P HB1259

Virginia Public Procurement Act; performance and payment bonds. Adds a provision that for the award of any construction contract exceeding $100,000 in which the performance of labor or the furnishing of materials will be paid with public funds, the contractor must furnish to the public body performance and payment bonds. In addition, the bill provides that performance and payment bonds are required for construction contracts exceeding $100,000 awarded to any prime contractor requiring the performance of labor or the furnishing of materials for buildings, structures, or other improvements to real property leased by a public body.
Patron - Janis

P HB1276

Investigators with Office of the Attorney General and special agents of Alcoholic Beverage Control Board; powers to enforce certain tobacco laws. Authorizes investigators with the Office of the Attorney General to seize cigarettes which are unlawfully sold, possessed, distributed, transported, imported, or otherwise held and to accompany and participate with special agents of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board or other law-enforcement action under §§ 3.1-336.6 or 58.1-1037.
Patron - Ware, R.L.

P HB1307

Deputy Chief of Staff for Workforce Development. Designates the Governor as Chief Workforce Development Officer for the Commonwealth. The position will replace the Special Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Development created in 2004. The duties of the Chief Workforce Development Officer, which may be delegated to a senior staff member of the Governor's immediate staff, will include serving as lead staff to the Virginia Workforce Council and creating and implementing a strategic plan for the statewide delivery of workforce development and training programs and activities, which shall include performance measures, and evaluating performances based on these measures. The bill also requires the Governor to (i) develop a statewide strategic plan addressing the need for reforms in workforce policy, including the implementation of workforce development and training initiatives and policies by December 1, 2006, and (ii) identify and implement strategies to optimize the role of the Virginia Community College System in workforce development. Both the strategic plan and strategies are to be submitted to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees for review prior to final adoption or implementation.
Patron - Byron

P HB1383

Veterans care center; construction in Hampton Roads. Authorizes the Governor to request federal funds to construct a new veterans care center in the Hampton Roads area, and requires the State Treasurer to issue a short-term treasury loan in the amount of $14.6 million for the state share of construction costs, once the United States Department of Veterans Affairs has determined that federal funds will be allocated for the new center.
Patron - Cox

P HB1413

Department of Veterans Services and the Virginia Veterans Services Foundation. Transfers oversight of the Department of Veterans Services and the Virginia Veterans Services Foundation from the Secretary of Administration to the Secretary of Public Safety. The bill also allows the Joint Leadership Council of the Veterans Service Organizations to get reimbursed for travel and expenses.
Patron - Hargrove

P HB1416

Virginia Public Procurement Act; methods of procurement; design-build by certain local public bodies. Provides that design-build or construction management projects undertaken by any local governing body when the contract is not expected to cost more than $1 million shall be exempt from approval of the Design-Build Review Board. As a result, such local governing bodies have authority to enter into contracts on a fixed price design-build basis or construction management basis.
Patron - Fralin

P HB1458

Freedom of Information Act; record exemption for the Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission. Exempts proprietary records of the Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission from the mandatory disclosure requirements of the Freedom of Information Act.
Patron - Kilgore

P HB1465

Department of Veterans Services. Authorizes the Department of Veterans Services to accept donated property in the southwestern region of Virginia for the purpose of constructing the Southwest Virginia Veterans Cemetery. The bill also provides for (i) the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget to establish a capital project for the purpose of cemetery construction, and (ii) the Treasurer to provide the Department of Veterans Services a short-term, interest free treasury loan for the purpose of matching such federal funds if such funds become available. This bill is identical to SB 359.
Patron - Dudley

P HB1467

Freedom of Information Act; open meeting exemption; Virginia Port Authority. Grants an exemption from the open meeting provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for discussions of proprietary information gathered by or for the Virginia Port Authority concerning rates and rate structures and shipments of coal from Virginia's ports. Currently, the Virginia Port Authority is not required to release records relating to same under FOIA.
Patron - Jones, S.C.

P HB1486

Administrative Process Act; summary case decisions. Authorizes requests for summary case decisions by persons who have (i) applied for a permit, certificate, license, or other approval from an agency or (ii) received notice of a potential violation or other deficiency from an agency. The bill sets out the requirements for making such a request and the process by which summary case decisions are to be conducted. The bill provides that in these instances the requestor waives his right to an informal fact-finding proceeding and a formal hearing or other evidentiary hearing on the issue to be decided by the summary case decision.
Patron - Janis

P HB1488

Disposition of surplus materials. Adds online public auctions as a permissible means by which the Commonwealth and localities thereof may dispose of surplus materials. Localities that elect to dispose of surplus materials through public sale or auction (including online public auction) are subject to the same provisions applicable to state agencies, departments, divisions, and institutions that dispose of surplus materials by public sale or auction. This bill is identical to SB 449.
Patron - Shannon

P HB1499

Economic Crisis Strike Force. Establishes the Economic Crisis Strike Force to respond as needed to economic disasters that may occur in the Commonwealth. This bill defines economic disaster.
Patron - Marshall, D.W.

P HB1602

Day of recognition for early childhood and day-care providers and professionals. Changes the Commonwealth's day of recognition for early childhood and day-care providers and professionals from October 22nd each year to the Friday before Mother's Day each year.
Patron - Oder

P SB21

Code of Virginia references to Internet. Simplifies and updates references to the Internet in the Code of Virginia.
Patron - Mims

P SB76

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); disclosure of procurement records under the Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995 (PPTA) and the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (PPEA). Revises the current FOIA exemption for records submitted by a private entity to a responsible public entity under the PPTA and the PPEA and formalizes the earmarking process or the protection of trade secrets, financial records, and other records submitted by a private entity, by requiring a written request for an exclusion from disclosure by the private entity and for a written determination by the responsible public entity that such records will be protected from disclosure under certain circumstances. The bill also amends the PPTA and PPEA to require a public entity to post all accepted conceptual proposals, whether solicited or not. The required posting for responsible public entities that are state agencies, departments, and institutions, shall be on eVA (the Department of General Service's web-based electronic procurement program) and for responsible public entities that are local public bodies, posting shall be on the responsible public entity's website or by publication, in a newspaper of general circulation in the area in which the contract is to be performed, of a summary of the proposals and the location where copies of the proposals are available for public inspection. Local public bodies may also post on eVA, in the discretion of the local responsible public entity. The bill also requires that at least one copy of the proposals shall be made available for public inspection. The bill provides that nothing shall be construed to prohibit the posting of the conceptual proposals by additional means deemed appropriate by the responsible public entity so as to provide maximum notice to the public of the opportunity to inspect the proposals. The bill also requires the responsible public entity to provide an opportunity for public comment 30 days before the execution of an interim or comprehensive agreement. The bill provides that once the process of bargaining of all phases or aspects of an interim or comprehensive agreement is complete, but before an interim or a comprehensive agreement is entered into, a responsible public entity shall post the proposed agreement. Once an interim or comprehensive agreement has been executed, all procurement records, excluding trade secrets, financial information, and cost estimates, are available to the public upon request. The bill is a recommendation of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council.
Patron - Houck

P SB98

Risk management plan; Meals on Wheels Association. Provides for inclusion under the State's risk management plan any local chapter or program of the Meals on Wheels Association of America or any area agency on aging providing meal and nutritional services to persons who are elderly, homebound, or disabled.
Patron - Blevins

P SB107

Board of Trustees of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Living History and Public Policy Center. Amends Virginia law establishing the governing structure of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Living History and Public Policy Center, an independent nonprofit corporation, to conform the statutes with § 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and federal and state laws governing tax exempt organizations. The Center was granted federal tax exempt status after the enactment of Senate Bill 804 by the 2005 Session of the General Assembly. A two-year transition period was granted by the Internal Revenue Service to transfer responsibility for the Center from the General Assembly to the Board of Trustees so that the Board and Center could become acclimated to functioning as an independent nonstock corporation. The transition period and the provisions of this act expire on July 1, 2007. This bill is a recommendation of the legislative commission, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commission.
Patron - Marsh

P SB109

Governor's Development Opportunity Fund. Makes several changes to the Governor's Development Opportunity Fund including prohibiting awards from the Fund being used to pay or guarantee the payment for any rental, lease, license, or other contractual right to use property. For each five fiscal-year period, the bill would provide that one-third of the moneys in the Fund would be used for economic development projects in high unemployment areas. This distribution, however, would not be required if economic development prospects in such high unemployment areas are unable to fulfill applicable minimum private investment and new jobs requirements. The bill would require that, as a condition of an award from the Fund, the average wage of new jobs created must be no less than the prevailing average wage in the county or city of the economic development project. However, for economic development projects located in a county or city with an annual average unemployment rate greater than the statewide average unemployment rate, the average wage of the new jobs would be required to be at least 85 percent of the prevailing average wage. In addition, the Secretary of Commerce and Trade may award a grant or loan from the Fund for projects paying less than 85 percent of the prevailing average wage that will be located in counties and cities with such unemployment rate if the Secretary makes a written finding that the economic circumstances in the area are sufficiently distressed that assistance to the county or city to attract the project is nonetheless justified. As another condition of eligibility of an award from the Fund, the bill sets forth several elements that would have to be included in a contract between the political subdivision and the economic development prospect. These would include the fair market value of all funds that the Commonwealth commits to the project, the fair market value of all funds that the political subdivision agrees to provide to the project, and a negotiated formula for the repayment of moneys from the Fund if the economic development prospect does not create the contractually required number of new jobs or does not satisfy minimum investment requirements. The bill would require that all proposed contracts between political subdivisions and economic development prospects be reviewed by the Attorney General prior to execution. The Attorney General would be required to review the contract (i) for enforceability as to its provisions, and (ii) to ensure that it is in appropriate, legal form. The Attorney General would have seven days to provide any written suggestions, but the suggestions would be limited to enforceability of the contract or the appropriateness of the legal form of the contract.
Patron - Stosch

P SB162

Administrative Process Act; Board for Housing and Community Development; exemption for certain regulations. Exempts from the Administrative Process Act regulations adopted by the Board for Housing and Community Development pursuant to the (i) Statewide Fire Prevention Code, (ii) Industrialized Building Safety Law, (iii) Uniform Statewide Building Code, and (iv) the construction, maintenance, operation, and inspection of amusement devices, provided that certain procedural requirements are followed by the Board. Under the bill, portions of the Act concerning public petitions and regulatory review of the Governor and General Assembly remain applicable.
Patron - Norment

P SB165

State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act. Amends the statement of economic interests disclosure form by removing the requirement that the address provided be a home address. As introduced, this bill was a recommendation of the Judicial Council.
Patron - Quayle

P SB182

Community Integration Advisory Commission. Establishes the Community Integration Advisory Commission to monitor the progress of all executive branch state agencies toward community integration of Virginians with disabilities. The Commission consists of nonlegislative citizen members who have or represent persons with disabilities and service providers for such persons. The Commission is required to monitor the implementation of state and federal laws pertaining to community integration of persons with disabilities and make appropriate recommendations to the Governor relative to the community integration of Virginians with disabilities.
Patron - Puller

P SB188

Secretary of Health and Human Resources; duties. Requires the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Public Safety, to establish an integrated system for coordinating the planning and provision of services for children with incarcerated parents among state, local, nonprofit agencies, and faith-based organizations in order to provide such children with services needed to continue parental relationships with the incarcerated parent, where appropriate, and encourage healthy relationships in the family and community. This bill is a recommendation of the Joint Subcommittee Studying the Commonwealth's Program for Prisoner Reentry to Society (2005).
Patron - Puller

P SB271

Virginia Public Procurement Act; purchase of certain insurance in construction projects. Allows a public body to purchase an owner-controlled insurance program in connection with any public construction contract where the amount of the contract or combination of contracts is more than $100 million. The bill defines owner-controlled insurance program and provides that no contractor or subcontractor can be required to provide insurance coverage for a construction project if that specified coverage is included in an owner-controlled insurance program in which the contractor or subcontractor is enrolled. The bill also provides that a provider of architectural and professional engineering services cannot be required to participate in such a program, except if the public body elects to secure excess coverage. This bill is identical to HB 994.
Patron - Whipple

P SB359

Department of Veterans Services. Authorizes the Department of Veterans Services to accept donated property in the southwestern region of Virginia for the purpose of constructing the Southwest Virginia Veterans Cemetery. The bill also provides for (i) the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget to establish a capital project for the purpose of cemetery construction, and (ii) the Treasurer to provide the Department of Veterans Services a short-term, interest free treasury loan for the purpose of matching such federal funds if such funds become available This bill is identical to HB 1465.
Patron - Edwards

P SB363

Office of Commonwealth Preparedness. Makes permanent the Office of Commonwealth Preparedness and provides for the appointment of a director by the Governor to serve a five-year term. The bill sets out the duties of the Office and also creates the Secure Commonwealth Panel and sets out its membership and duties. The bill contains technical amendments.
Patron - Wampler

P SB412

Intermodal Office. Provides more specific functions and goals for the Intermodal Office in the Office of the Secretary of Transportation.
Patron - Houck

P SB449

Disposition of surplus materials. Adds online public auctions as a permissible means by which the Commonwealth and localities thereof may dispose of surplus materials. Localities that elect to dispose of surplus materials through public sale or auction (including online public auction) are subject to the same provisions applicable to state agencies, departments, divisions, and institutions that dispose of surplus materials by public sale or auction.
Patron - Devolites Davis

P SB487

Virginia Liaison Office; association health plans. Directs the Virginia Liaison Office to work with members of the Virginia Congressional delegation and federal executive branch agencies to develop, support, and enact legislation, such as the Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2005, that provides for the establishment and governance of group health plans sponsored by trade, industry, professional, chamber of commerce, or similar business associations, referred to as association health plans, if such plans remain subject to Virginia law. The Office is required to report annually to the Governor and the General Assembly by October 1 the status of federal legislation and activities relating to association health plans.
Patron - Wagner

P SB494

Deputy Chief of Staff for Workforce Development. Establishes the position of Deputy Chief of Staff to the Governor for Workforce Development. The position will replace the Special Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Development created in 2004. The Deputy Chief of Staff's duties will include serving as independent staff for the Virginia Workforce Council. The Deputy Chief of Staff is charged with creating and implementing a statewide strategic plan and performance measures, evaluating performances based on these measures, and redirecting resources based on performances. In addition, the Deputy Chief of Staff is charged with creating a statewide strategic plan to address the need for reforms in workforce policy, including the need for reforms at the local workforce investment board level. The bill incorporates the recommendations of the Joint Subcommittee Studying the Need for Greater Consolidation or Coordination of Workforce Development and Training Resources in the Commonwealth pursuant to HJR 713 (2005).
Patron - Ruff

P SB535

Economic Crisis Strike Force. Establishes the Economic Crisis Strike Force to respond as needed to economic disasters that may occur in the Commonwealth.
Patron - Hawkins

P SB556

Secretary of Public Safety. Adds the Department of Forensic Science to the agencies for which the Secretary of Public Safety is responsible.
Patron - Stolle

P SB557

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); closed meeting exemption; Forensic Science Board and Scientific Advisory Committee. Allows the Forensic Science Board or the Scientific Advisory Committee to meet in a closed meeting when discussing or considering records relating to complaints, memoranda, correspondence, case files or reports, witness statements, and evidence relating to a criminal investigation or prosecution, which records are excluded from FOIA pursuant to subsection F 1 of § 2.2-3706.
Patron - Stolle

P SB662

Department of Minority Business Enterprise; certification of small, woman- or minority-owned businesses. Includes small and women business enterprises in the certification program administered by the Department of Minority Business Enterprise. The bill requires the Department to adopt regulations that mandate certification, without any additional paperwork or fee, of any prospective state vendor already certified under any certification program that is determined to meet the minimum requirements established in the regulations of the Department. The bill also provides that a business certified by the Department shall not be required by any locality to obtain any additional certification to participate in any program designed to enhance the participation of such businesses as vendors or to remedy any documented disparity.
Patron - Miller

P SB664

Department of General Services; Division of Purchases and Supply; purchases by private nonprofit institutions of higher education from certain state contracts. Allows private, nonprofit institutions of higher education chartered in Virginia to purchase directly from state contracts established by the Division of Purchases and Supply.
Patron - Lambert

P SB668

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Commission; sunset. Changes sunset date from July 1, 2006, to July 1, 2009. This bill is identical to HB 997.
Patron - Ruff

P SB689

Virginia Workforce Council. Reduces the size of the Virginia Workforce Council from 29 to 25 members, increases the representation from the General Assembly, and conforms the Code provisions pertaining to the composition of the Council to federal law and regulations.
Patron - Ruff

P SB732

Virginia Public Procurement Act; methods of procurement; design-build by certain local public bodies. Provides that design-build or construction management projects undertaken by any local governing body of a locality with a population in excess of 80,000 or by two or more local governing bodies of localities having a combined population in excess of 80,000 through cooperative procurement shall be exempt from approval of the Design-Build Review Board. As a result such local governing bodies have authority to enter into contacts on a fixed price design-build basis or construction management basis.
Patron - Herring


F HB16

Financial and management review of all state agencies. Directs the Governor to initiate, within 120 days of taking office, a financial and management review of governor-selected executive branch state agencies, except public institutions of higher education, with total agency appropriations of two percent or more of the total state-appropriated funds. The review shall be conducted by a private management consulting firm. The bill identifies areas to be reviewed. The bill further provides that it shall not become effective unless an appropriation of general funds effectuating its purposes is included in a general appropriations act passed by the 2006 Session of the General Assembly, which becomes law.
Patron - Lingamfelter

F HB17

Department of State Police; variable housing allowance. Provides a housing allowance for full-time, sworn State Police officers, based upon pay grade and geographical location, from funds that are appropriated for such purpose. The rates of the variable allowance shall be based on suggested rates developed and annually updated by the Department of Human Resource Management. The housing allowance shall not be considered Virginia taxable income, nor shall it be considered creditable compensation for the State Police Officers' Retirement System.
Patron - Lingamfelter

F HB74

Comprehensive Services Act; parental co-payments. Provides that only legal guardians who are related to a child are responsible for contributing to the cost of services provided under the Comprehensive Services Act.
Patron - Orrock

F HB108

Automatic reduction in general fund appropriations by Governor. Requires the Governor, whenever general fund revenue collections for a period of six months or more show that year-to-date revenue growth is in excess of 1 percent below the official estimate upon which the appropriation act is based for such fiscal year, to institute an across-the-board percentage reduction in general fund appropriations to all executive branch agencies, which shall equal at least one-half of the revenue shortfall. Such action shall be communicated to the chairmen of the money committees within five days of its adoption.
Patron - Purkey

F HB185

Public Procurement Act; prohibited contracts; required contract provisions. Provides that no public body shall enter into any contract for services unless the contract provides that only citizens of the United States, legal resident aliens, and individuals with a valid visa will perform the services under the contract or any subcontract of that contract. The bill further requires all public bodies to include in every contract for goods or services the following provisions: During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees to (i) post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, a statement notifying such persons that only citizens of the United States, legal resident aliens, and individuals with a valid visa will be hired to perform the services under the contract or any subcontract of such contract; (ii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the contractor will hire only citizens of the United States, legal resident aliens, and individuals with a valid visa to perform the services under the contract or any subcontract of such contract; and (iii) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or purchase order, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

F HB186

Commission on Immigration. Creates the Virginia Commission on Immigration as an advisory commission in the executive branch to analyze the current impact of immigration on the Commonwealth and make recommendations on related policies. The bill sets out the membership of the Commission and its powers and duties, and defines immigration.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

F HB220

Public Procurement Act; consolidation of contracts. Provides that to the maximum extent practicable, public bodies shall facilitate the maximum participation of small business concerns as prime contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. Before proceeding with a procurement of goods, services, or construction that could lead to a contract containing consolidated procurement requirements (also known as contract bundling), a public body shall conduct market research to determine whether consolidation of the requirements is necessary and justified. For the purposes of the bill, consolidation of the requirements may be determined as being necessary and justified if, as compared to the benefits that would be derived from contracting to meet those requirements if not consolidated, the public body would derive from the consolidation measurably substantial benefits, including, but not limited to: cost savings, quality improvement, reduction in acquisition cycle times, better terms and conditions, and any other benefit.
Patron - Jones, D.C.

F HB269

State purchase of clean alternative fuel or hybrid passenger-type vehicles. Provides that vehicles purchased for the centralized fleet shall be clean alternative fuel or hybrid passenger-type vehicles and that the purchase shall follow annual percentage rate targets resulting in 100 percent of purchases being clean alternative fuel or hybrid vehicles by 2011.
Patron - Poisson

F HB329

Virginia Technology and Biotechnology Research and Development Fund created. Creates the Virginia Technology and Biotechnology Research and Development Fund to attract technology or biotechnology companies to, or assist those companies located in, the Commonwealth. Moneys in the Fund shall only be applied to qualified research expenses and basic research payments (as defined by § 41 of the Internal Revenue Code) for research conducted in the Commonwealth. Qualified research expenses are defined as in-house expenses or contract research expenses, paid by a technology or biotechnology company. Basic research payments are defined as payments made to companies and nonprofit research institutions and organizations located in the Commonwealth for research in technology and biotechnology. No grant to a company from the Fund is to exceed $500,000 per year. The Innovative Technology Authority shall administer this fund.
Patron - Purkey

F HB331

Conflicts of interest and campaign finance; prohibitions on the acceptance of certain gifts and campaign contributions by constitutional officers and members of governing bodies. Prohibits the acceptance of any gift or campaign contribution of $50 or more by a constitutional officer, governing body member, or candidate for such positions from any person conducting business with his locality or having a matter pending before the constitutional office or governing body.
Patron - Purkey

F HB427

Office of Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families; rates for residential treatment. Requires the director of the Office of Comprehensive Services to negotiate statewide or regional contracts for residential treatment services paid from state pool funds. This bill was incorporated into HB 577.
Patron - Nutter

F HB544

Department of Planning and Budget; submissions to the General Assembly. Requires the Department of Planning and Budget, in addition to providing copies of all agency budget estimates, to prepare an analysis of such estimates for the deliberative use of the Governor and the General Assembly, such analysis to include, but not be limited to (i) appropriations requested as compared to the prior year, (ii) a brief description of each agency's priorities for receiving funding, and (iii) a discussion of major changes or initiatives recommended for the ensuing fiscal year. The Department is required to submit the estimates and analysis to the Governor and, within 30 days thereof, submit the same to the chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance. The provisions of the bill are contingent upon funding in the General Appropriation Act.
Patron - Griffith

F HB818

Virginia Public Procurement Act; methods of procurement; design-build by certain local public bodies. Provides that design-build or construction management projects undertaken by any local governing body of a locality with a population in excess of 80,000 or by two or more local governing bodies of localities having a combined population in excess of 80,000 through cooperative procurement shall be exempt from approval of the Design-Build Review Board. As a result such local governing bodies have authority to enter into contacts on a fixed price design-build basis or construction management basis.
Patron - May

F HB839

Human Rights Council; private causes of action; commercial real estate. Provides a private cause of action for unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, or age in the sale or lease of commercial real estate not covered by the Fair Housing Law (§ 36-96.1 et seq.). The bill provides for the shifting of the burden of proof to the person charged with the violation after establishment of the prima facie case. The bill contains technical amendments.
Patron - Frederick

F HB842

Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act; posting and availability of certain information on the Internet; prohibitions. Clarifies that documents may be posted on a court-controlled website that excise or otherwise redact (i) an actual signature, (ii) a social security number, (iii) a date of birth identified with a particular person, (iv) the maiden name of a person's parent so as to be identified with a particular person, (v) any financial account number or numbers, or (vi) the name and age of any minor child. This bill was incorporated into HB 563.
Patron - Frederick

F HB893

Traveling on state business; reimbursement for private vehicles. Provides that the rate of reimbursement when using a private vehicle for traveling on state business shall be an amount equal to the most recent business standard mileage rate as established in the Internal Revenue Code for employees or self-employed individuals to use in computing their income tax deductible costs for operating passenger vehicles owned or leased by them for business purposes. Currently, the rate is specified in the general appropriation act.
Patron - Gear

F HB953

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); definition of public body. Provides that corporations organized or created by, or acting on behalf of, any authority, board, bureau, commission, district, or agency of the Commonwealth shall be deemed "public bodies" for purposes of FOIA. Currently, only corporations organized by the Virginia Retirement System are public bodies.
Patron - Joannou

F HB1064

Health insurance for certain state employees; TRICARE Military Health System. Authorizes the Department of Human Resource Management to offer a voluntary supplemental health coverage program for state employees who have primary coverage under the TRICARE Military Health System. This bill was incorporated into HB 311.
Patron - Watts

F HB1069

Department of Minority Business Enterprise; small, women and minority enterprise. Changes the name from Department of Minority Business Enterprise to the Department of Vendor Diversity and Development. The bill also (i) adds a definition for "disadvantaged business," "small business," and "women-owned business"; (ii) includes small and women-owned businesses within the overall minority-owned business enhancement and development plan; (iii) authorizes the Department to implement any remediation or enhancement measure for small, women-owned, or minority business enhancement developed by the governor under existing statutory authority; and (iv) clarifies the Department's authority to adopt regulations and issue guidelines. The bill also provides an exemption from the mandatory disclosure provisions of the Freedom of Information Act for confidential proprietary records, voluntarily provided to the Department by private business pursuant to a promise of confidentiality. This bill was incorporated into HB 122.
Patron - Hall

F HB1079

Office of Broadband Assistance; established. Establishes the Office of Broadband Assistance under the Secretary of Technology. The office would support the efforts of both public and quasi-public bodies within the Commonwealth to enhance or facilitate the demand for, deployment of, and access to broadband Internet for underserved areas within the Commonwealth. The office would also serve as a broadband information clearinghouse for the Commonwealth and a coordination point for broadband related services and programs in the Commonwealth. The director of the office would advise the Secretary on trends in broadband deployment and report annually by December 1 to the Governor and General Assembly.
Patron - Scott, J.M.

F HB1083

Commonwealth Telework Council. Establishes the Commonwealth Telework Council to advise the Governor on guidelines for telecommuting and participation in alternative work schedules. The Council expires on July 1, 2008.
Patron - Scott, J.M.

F HB1122

Procurement of services by certain state agencies. Requires the Division of Purchases and Supply of the Department of General Services, by regulation, to require all state agencies to procure services from the private sector if the services are listed as a commercial activity on the commercial activities list developed by the Commonwealth Competition Council in accordance with § 2.2-2622. The bill does not apply to the hiring of law-enforcement personnel. The bill also provides an exception to the requirement that government cease performing services that can be obtained from a commercial source when the state agency, upon a written determination, finds that the procurement of services from a commercial source is either not practicable or fiscally advantageous. The bill also requires that the Commonwealth Competition Council annually update its commercial activities list.
Patron - Cline

F HB1123

Department of Planning and Budget; submissions to the General Assembly. Requires the Department of Planning and Budget, in addition to providing copies of all agency budget estimates, to prepare an analysis of such estimates for the deliberative use of the Governor and the General Assembly, such analysis to include, but not be limited to (i) appropriations requested as compared to the prior year, (ii) a brief description of each agency's priorities for receiving funding, and (iii) a discussion of major changes or initiatives recommended for the ensuing fiscal year. The Department is required to submit the estimates and analysis to the Governor and, within 30 days thereof, submit the same to the chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance.
Patron - Cline

F HB1132

Virginia Liaison Office; moratorium on off-shore natural gas exploration; use of revenues. Directs the Virginia Liaison Office to work with members of the State Congressional Delegation and executive agencies to develop and enact legislation or executive action that would provide an exemption to the existing moratorium on off-shore natural gas exploratory activity. The Office is required to report annually to the Governor and the chairs of the Senate and House Commerce and Labor Committees. Any royalties or other payments received from the federal government attributable to the development of off-shore natural gas deposits shall be paid into the Home Energy Assistance Fund. This bill was incorporated into HB 1153.
Patron - Cline

F HB1162

Department for the Aging; congregate housing services pilot program for frail elderly individuals. Directs the Department for the Aging to establish a four-year pilot congregate housing services program for frail elderly individuals. The Department is authorized to enter into contracts with qualified housing projects to establish the congregate housing services programs. The Department, in consultation with the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, shall develop criteria for the selection of pilot areas that shall include an assessment of the qualified housing project's proposal for the congregate housing services program and the area's plan for community involvement, including the involvement of the area agency on aging, the local department of social services, and the local department of housing. The Department shall submit to the House and Senate Committees on General Laws a report outlining the plan for the congregate housing services for frail elderly individuals by November 1, 2006. The qualified housing project shall specify the type and priorities of the supportive services it will provide during the term of the contract and such services shall be related to the needs and characteristics of the residents. The qualified housing project shall establish a fee schedule for each supportive service and residents shall contribute financially toward the cost of services, according to their ability to pay based on their income. Any fees charged shall not exceed the cost of providing the services. The Department shall determine an individual's eligibility for the congregate housing services program and the services subsidy, i.e., the sum necessary to provide supportive services to an eligible participant in excess of that individual's ability to pay for services, to be paid by the Department. The Department shall evaluate and report on the impact and effectiveness of the congregate housing services program for frail elderly individuals.
Patron - Eisenberg

F HB1194

State and Local Conflict of Interests Act; required disclosure by parties to zoning cases. Requires a party in a zoning case to include with its initial submittal the disclosure of (i) whether the party directly employs or intends to use the services of a governing body member, governing body employee earning more than $100,000 annually, or a firm in which the member or employee has a personal interest and (ii) whether a governing body member or such employee has a personal interest in the proposal or the party. The bill also provides that if, after the initial submittal, the person subsequently employs or uses the services of a governing body member, such employee, or a firm in which the member or employee has a personal interest, the person must provide written disclosure to the governing body within 30 days. An additional provision requires similar disclosure of campaign contributions to governing body members.
Patron - Marshall, R.G.

F HB1227

Department of Minority Business Enterprise; certification of small, woman- or minority-owned businesses. Includes small and women business enterprises in the certification program administered by the Department of Minority Business Enterprise. The bill provides that such certification programs shall deny certification to vendors from states that deny like certifications to Virginia-based small, women, or minority business enterprises or that provide a preference for small, women, or minority business enterprises based in that state that is not available to Virginia-based businesses. The bill requires the Department to adopt regulations that mandate certification, without any additional paperwork or fee, of any prospective state vendor already certified under any certification program that is determined to meet the minimum requirements established in the regulations of the Department. The bill also provides that a business certified by the Department shall not be required by any locality to obtain any additional certification to participate in any program designed to enhance the participation of such businesses as vendors or to remedy any documented disparity. This bill was incorporated into HB 122.
Patron - Jones, D.C.

F HB1228

Department of Business Assistance; Office of Small Business Advocacy. Creates the Office of Small Business Advocacy within the Department of Business Assistance. The bill sets out the powers and duties of the Office. The bill defines small business as a business entity, including its affiliates, located in Virginia that (i) is independently owned and operated and (ii) employs fewer than 500 full-time employees or has gross annual sales of less than $6 million. This bill was incorporated into HB 1591.
Patron - Jones, D.C.

F HB1239

Secretary of Administration; disaster planning; identification of personnel. Imposes the duty on the Secretary of Administration to require each agency head to establish a process to identify every employee and on-site contractor present in buildings or facilities owned or leased by the Commonwealth. Identification of individuals shall be determined by a combination of technologies such that presence verification can be determined immediately upon the event that any facility, or portion of a facility, becomes unavailable for use because of a natural disaster or terrorist attack. The head of each agency is required to report annually to the Secretary on the status of any programs or policies developed and implemented. The bill further provides that any agency head failing to comply shall forfeit 1 percent of the moneys appropriated for the operation of the agency as provided in the appropriation act. Such moneys shall be taken by the Comptroller and deposited into the Literary Fund.
Patron - Hugo

F HB1241

Secretary of Administration; office space utilization. Provides that the Secretary shall require each agency head to determine the actual daily utilization of each and every workspace within all state government-owned or leased buildings or facilities. Actual utilization shall be determined by comparing the number of days a workspace is actually used to the time the workspace is available for use. The bill provides that any agency head failing to comply shall forfeit 1 percent of the moneys appropriated for the operation of the agency as provided in the appropriation act. Such moneys are to be taken by the Comptroller and deposited into the Literary Fund.
Patron - Hugo

F HB1297

Commonwealth Realignment Commission. Creates the Commonwealth Realignment Commission as an independent agency of state government. The purpose of the Commission shall be to review the performance, relevance, and management efficiency of the programs, activities, and agencies of state government. The bill sets out the membership of the Commission and its duties.
Patron - Saxman

F HB1305

State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act; prohibited contracts. Prohibits state and local officers and employees from having a personal interest in interim or comprehensive agreements entered into under the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act and Public-Private Transportation Act. Under the bill, a personal interest would be allowed for certain local officials if the remaining members of the governing body, by written resolution, state that the agreement is in the public interest and there is only one source practicably available.
Patron - Byron

F HB1329

Excess funds in the Revenue Stabilization Fund. Establishes a mechanism to provide tax relief to Virginia taxpayers when the Auditor of Public Accounts determines the Revenue Stabilization Fund has reached its maximum size as provided in the Constitution of Virginia. The excess funds will be deposited in a special nonreverting fund titled the Virginia Taxpayer Surplus Relief Fund and must be used by the next session of the General Assembly to provide tax relief to Virginia taxpayers.
Patron - O'Bannon

F HB1346

State employee health insurance plan; members of volunteer fire departments and rescue squads. Authorizes members of volunteer fire departments and rescue squads to enroll in the state employees' health insurance plan.
Patron - Bell

F HB1374

Maximum service on boards of authorities. Provides that service by appointed members of the governing entity of any authority or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth, excluding counties, cities and towns, shall be limited to eight years. Current members shall not have their terms cut short.
Patron - Hull

F HB1376

Certification of small, women and minority-owned businesses. Requires the Department of Minority Business Enterprise to develop regulations that would streamline the certification program and eliminate unnecessary paperwork and duplication; mandates acceptance of certifications that meet standards established in regulations published by the Department of Minority Business Enterprise; and assures that Virginia businesses receive a preference in state procurement when such preferences are applied against Virginia businesses by other states. This bill was incorporated into HB 122.
Patron - Landes

F HB1473

Submission of the executive budget. Adds more requirements for inclusion in the executive budget that is submitted to the General Assembly in December.
Patron - Saxman

F HB1493

Address Confidentiality Program; victims of domestic violence. Provides that the Statewide Facilitator for Victims of Domestic Violence in the Office of the Attorney General shall establish the "Address Confidentiality Program" to protect victims of domestic violence by authorizing the use of designated addresses for such victims.
Patron - Miller

F HB1555

Transportation funding; Northern Virginia. Provides new funding for transportation in the Cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas, and Manassas Park and the Counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William. The sources of the new funds are: (i) civil penalties for certain offenses relating to the operation of a motor vehicle by persons residing in any of the localities; (ii) additional motor vehicle registration fees for trailers, semitrailers, and trucks with a gross weight over 12,000 pounds registered in any of the localities; (iii) an additional fee on the rental of motor vehicles in the localities; (iv) a transportation impact fee on the sale of real property in any of the localities; (v) dedication of current sales and use tax on motor vehicle repair parts and accessories sold in any of the localities; and (vi) a transient occupancy tax on rooms in the localities. The authority to impose any of the new or additional fees ceases if any transportation funds of the Commonwealth are not spent for transportation purposes. The priority of the projects to be funded shall be determined by the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority in consultation with the local governing bodies of the localities, and in consultation with the members of the House of Delegates and the Senate who represent any of the localities. At least 40 percent of the revenues shall be dedicated to use on residential, urban, and secondary road construction and improvement.
Patron - Rust

F HB1561

Fee for testimonials; international adoptions. Sets the fees to be charged by the Secretary of the Commonwealth for testimonials, including seal tax, for a person submitting multiple documents for testimonial seals required by a foreign country as part of an international adoption process relating to a particular child or children.
Patron - Waddell

F HB1591

Department of Business Assistance; Office of Small Business Advocacy. Creates the Office of Small Business Advocacy within the Department of Business Assistance. The bill sets out the powers and duties of the Office. The bill defines small business as a business entity, including its affiliates, located in Virginia that (i) is independently owned and operated and (ii) employs fewer than 500 full-time employees or has gross annual sales of less than $6 million.
Patron - Tyler

F HB1612

Assessment of fees by DMV on certain drivers; use of fees collected. Requires the courts to impose, in addition to any other penalties imposed, an initial additional fee for each conviction as shown on the driving record of certain motor vehicle law offenders. These fees, minus cost of collection, will be deposited into the Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund for highway maintenance purposes.
Patron - Rust

F SB27

Virginia Public Building Authority; financing for the State Agency Radio System. Authorizes the Virginia Public Building Authority to issue bonds in an amount not to exceed $201,900,000 to pay the costs of the State Agency Radio System (Phase II) for the Department of State Police.
Patron - Stolle

F SB215

Rail Transportation Development Authority. Establishes the TransDominion Express Authority. The Authority shall have the responsibility within the TransDominion Express corridor of identifying needed construction, reconstruction, improvements, or repairs to railroads and their facilities and equipment. The Authority is given the power to finance or assist in financing any rail transportation project. The bill also repeals Chapter 1041 of the 2003 Acts of Assembly, which provided for the creation of a Rail Transportation Development Authority. That act never became effective because it included a "reenactment clause," and the act was not reenacted by the 2004 Session.
Patron - Edwards

F SB325

Parking of vehicles in Capitol Square. Prohibits the parking of all personal vehicles in the Square except police, emergency, maintenance, and service vehicles that will be regulated by the Department of General Services.
Patron - Norment

F SB355

Severance benefits for state employees. Restricts severance benefits for state employees to those specifically authorized by the General Assembly. This bill was incorporated into SB 364.
Patron - Cuccinelli

F SB465

Freedom of Information Act; electronic communication meetings. Clarifies that political subdivisions of the Commonwealth, except any unit of local government, are authorized to conduct electronic communication meetings.
Patron - Edwards

F SB493

State contracts. Requires bidders on state contracts to disclose the country of origin of goods, services, insurance, or construction in their bid submissions.
Patron - Ruff

F SB551

Purchase of energy efficient vehicles. Provides that any passenger-type vehicles purchased or leased by the Commonwealth shall be of the highest fuel economy and lowest pollutants available for the vehicle's intended purpose.
Patron - Whipple

F SB665

Virginia Human Rights Act; Human Rights Council. Revises the definition of "unlawful discriminatory practice" to include violations of statutes or regulations pertaining to employment, public accommodations, education, and real estate transactions. The bill also provides limited immunity from civil liability and other actions for any person who, in good faith, files a complaint with the Council. The bill also: (i) changes the name of the Human Rights Council to the Virginia Council on Human Rights, (ii) adds definitions for "complainant," "conciliation," "real estate transaction,'' and "respondent," (iii) empowers the Council to administer oaths and take testimony under oath, (iv) removes the prohibition on the Council adopting regulations on substantive matters when another state agency is authorized to do so, (v) establishes the Human Rights Office within the Council, and (vi) provides procedures for the initiation and investigation of complaints and the conduct of proceedings.
Patron - Ticer

F SB700

Nondiscrimination in public employment. Prohibits employment discrimination by state and local governments, school boards and constitution officers based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or status as a special disabled veteran.
Patron - Lucas

F SB701

Transportation funding; Northern Virginia. Provides new funding for transportation in the Cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas, and Manassas Park and the Counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William. The sources of the new funds are: (i) civil penalties for certain offenses relating to the operation of a motor vehicle by persons residing in any of the localities; (ii) additional motor vehicle registration fees for trailers, semitrailers, and trucks with a gross weight over 12,000 pounds registered in any of the localities; (iii) an additional fee on the rental of motor vehicles in the localities; (iv) a transportation impact fee on the sale of real property in any of the localities; (v) dedication of current sales and use tax on motor vehicle repair parts and accessories sold in any of the localities; and (vi) a transient occupancy tax on rooms in the localities. The authority to impose any of the new or additional fees ceases if any transportation funds of the Commonwealth are not spent for transportation purposes. The priority of the projects to be funded shall be determined by the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority in consultation with the local governing bodies of the localities, and in consultation with the members of the House of Delegates and the Senate who represent any of the localities. At least 40 percent of the revenues shall be dedicated to use on residential, urban, and secondary road construction and improvement.
Patron - Devolites Davis

F SB722

Assessment of fees by DMV on certain drivers; use of fees collected. Requires the courts to impose, in addition to any other penalties imposed, an initial additional fee for each conviction as shown on the driving record of certain motor vehicle law offenders. These fees, minus cost of collection, will be deposited into the Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund for highway maintenance purposes. This bill was incorporated into SB 708.
Patron - Reynolds

Carried Over

C HB75

Venture capital investments; investment return guarantees. Creates a program under which the Commonwealth makes investment return guarantees for certain investments made between January 1, 2006, and January 1, 2011, in venture capital funds that invest in technology firms located in the Commonwealth. The Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority shall administer the program. A venture capital fund eligible under the program must have an office in the Commonwealth, an established history of investing in businesses or industries that are in the early stages of development, and must enter into a contract with the Authority under which it promises to use its best efforts to invest three times the amount of principal it receives in technology firms located in Virginia. Pension funds, endowments, and other institutions investing in eligible venture capital funds shall receive investment return guarantees from the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth guarantees a 10 percent average annual rate of return over a 10-year horizon to such institutions incorporated or having administrative headquarters located in the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth guarantees to all other institutions that they will not lose any of their principal investment over the 10-year period. The financial guarantees are in the form of supplemental appropriations to such institutions such that the guaranteed rates of return are realized.
Patron - Purkey

C HB279

Establishes the Secretary of Urban Affairs. The Secretary shall be responsible to the Governor for the Department of Housing and Community Development and the Virginia Housing Development Authority.
Patron - BaCote

C HB501

Teachers, Deputies and Local Government Employees Health Insurance Relief Act. Provides that employees of local governments, local officers, sheriff's deputies, teachers, and retirees, and the dependents of such employees, officers, sheriff's deputies, teachers, and retirees may participate, with the approval of the local government, in the plan established pursuant to § 2.2-2818 to provide health and related insurance coverage for state employees. The local government shall be responsible for whatever portion of the cost of such insurance is not paid by the employee. The Commonwealth shall not be obligated to pay all or any portion of the cost thereof.
Patron - Armstrong

C HB750

Public Procurement Act; performance and payment bonds. Makes the amount of the performance bond for transportation-related projects the contract amount. Currently for transportation-related projects, the amount of the bond is within the discretion of the public body.
Patron - Ward

C HB857

Department of General Services; Green Buildings Act. Requires all major facility projects of state agencies and other entities for which the project is funded with state money to be designed, constructed, and certified to meet the LEED silver standard as established by the United States Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environment Design. The bill defines "major facility project" as a building construction project with more than 5,000 gross square feet of occupied or conditioned space, or a building renovation project when the cost is greater than 50 percent of the assessed value and the project with more than 5,000 gross square feet of occupied or conditioned space. Under the bill, a major facility project may not be required to meet the standard if (i) there is no appropriate LEED silver standard for that type of building or renovation project, (ii) there is no practical way to apply the LEED silver standard to a particular building or renovation project, or (iii) the building or renovation project is an electricity transmitter building, a water pumping station, or a hospital.
Patron - Ebbin

C HB1226

Procurement contract fees for eVa; minimum fee required. Requires the Department of General Services to set a minimum fee for contracts formed using the electronic public procurement program commonly known as "eVa." The minimum fee would be charged when the percentage-based fee is lower than the minimum fee. The minimum fee shall be set at a rate that will ensure eVa operates as a financially self-supporting application.
Patron - Jones, D.C.

C HB1240

Secretary of Administration; telecommuting and alternative work schedules for state employees; effectiveness. Provides that the Secretary of Administration, in cooperation with the Secretary of Technology and in consultation with the Council on Technology Services, shall measure the effectiveness of the comprehensive statewide telecommuting and alternative work schedule policy. The bill provides that the head of each agency shall report annually to the Secretary on the status of any programs or policies developed and implemented pursuant to this section. Any agency head failing to comply with the requirements of this section shall forfeit 1 percent of the moneys appropriated for the operation of the agency as provided in the appropriation act. The Secretary shall so notify the Comptroller, who shall take such moneys and deposit them into the Literary Fund. The bill also requires the Department of Human Resource Management to notify state employees by email or other method deemed appropriate by the Department of the statewide telecommuting and alternative work schedule policy.
Patron - Hugo

C HB1295

Council on Government Accountability and Efficiency. Establishes the Council on Government Accountability and Efficiency as an advisory council to systematically identify waste and inefficiency.
Patron - Saxman

C HB1314

Public Procurement Act; prohibited contracts; required contract provisions. Provides that no public body shall enter into any contract for goods, services, or construction with any potential bidder or offeror that employs in any aspect of such person's business, individuals other than citizens of the United States, legal resident aliens, or individuals with a valid visa. The bill further requires all public bodies to include in every contract for goods or services the following provisions: During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees to (i) post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, a statement notifying such persons that only citizens of the United States, legal resident aliens, and individuals with a valid visa will be hired to perform the services under the contract or any subcontract of such contract; (ii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the contractor will hire only citizens of the United States, legal resident aliens, and individuals with a valid visa to perform the services under the contract or any subcontract of such contract; and (iii) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or purchase order, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor.
Patron - Frederick


Health insurance for local government employees. Provides that employees of local governments, local officers, teachers, and retirees, and the dependents of such employees, officers, teachers, and retirees, may participate, with the approval of the local government, in the state employee health plan established pursuant to § 2.2-2818. The local government shall be responsible for whatever portion of the cost of such insurance that is not paid by the employee, except any portion that the General Assembly elects to pay.
Patron - Reynolds

C SB179

Virginia Human Rights Act; prohibition of discrimination in employment based on certain criminal convictions. Prohibits discrimination in employment based on an individual's criminal conviction record unless the conviction directly relates to the circumstances of the particular position, occupation, trade, or profession for which the individual is seeking employment.
Patron - Locke

C SB275

Department of General Services; Green Buildings Act. Requires all major facility projects of state agencies and other entities for which the project is funded with state money to be designed, constructed, and certified to meet the LEED silver standard as established by the United States Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environment Design. The bill defines "major facility project" as a building construction project with more than 5,000 gross square feet of occupied or conditioned space, or a building renovation project when the cost is greater than 50 percent of the assessed value and the project with more than 5,000 gross square feet of occupied or conditioned space. Under the bill, a major facility project may not be required to meet the standard if (i) there is no appropriate LEED silver standard for that type of building or renovation project, (ii) there is no practical way to apply the LEED silver standard to a particular building or renovation project, or (iii) the building or renovation project is an electricity transmitter building, a water pumping station, or a hospital.
Patron - Whipple

C SB568

Department of General Services; energy audits for state buildings. Requires the Department of General Services to establish a program to require every state-owned building to undergo an energy audit before December 30, 2008. After the completion of each energy audit, the Division shall develop an implementation plan to address energy conservation measures recommended by such audit. The bill defines "energy audit" as a determination of the energy consumption characteristics of a building by identifying the type, amount, and rate of energy consumption of the building and its major energy systems.
Patron - Whipple

C SB727

Department of Veterans Services; certification of businesses owned by special disabled veterans. Prohibits discrimination by public bodies in the solicitation and awarding of contracts and requires public bodies to establish a program to facilitate the participation of businesses owned by special disabled veterans in procurement transactions. The bill also requires the Department of Veterans Services to establish a program to certify businesses owned by special disabled veterans.
Patron - Wagner


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