General Assembly>Division of Legislative Services>Publications>Session Summaries>2005>Mechanics' and Certain Other Liens


Mechanics' and Certain Other Liens


P HB1599

Mechanics' lien; repairs to personal property. Increases from $625 to $800 the maximum lien a mechanic can assert for repairs to personal property. The maxium lien that garage, marina, livery and hangar operators can assert was increased to $800 in the 2004 General Assembly session.
Patron - Hargrove

P HB2310

Lien of keeper of livery stable, garage, marina, etc. Increases the lien limits for storage from $300 to $500, and requires that the person asserting the lien make a reasonable attempt to notify any secured party of record at the Department of Motor Vehicles or the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries not just in writing but also by telephone, with both forms of notice required within three business days of the person's taking possession of the boat, aircraft or vehicle. An item of personal property left with the stored property must be returned only if the owner claims the item before auction.
Patron - Griffith


F SB704

Mechanics' liens; easements of public service company, etc. Prohibits a lien attaching to adjacent properties where the lien is based on a claim for repair, etc., upon an easement of right-of-way owned by or authorized by a public service entity. Notice of such lien shall not be served upon the adjacent property owners. The bill provides that no such lien shall be filed in a circuit court and that any such lien filed or notice served contrary to the provisions of the bill is null and void and without legal effect. Any person or entity filing such a lien or causing such a notice to be served may be subject to a civil penalty of $100, which will be deposited into the Home Energy Assistance Fund.
Patron - Reynolds


General Assembly>Division of Legislative Services>Publications>Session Summaries>2005>Mechanics' and Certain Other Liens

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