General Assembly>Division of Legislative Services>Publications>Session Summaries>2003>Miscellaneous (Including Budget and Bonds)


Miscellaneous (Including Budget and Bonds)


P HB1400

Budget Bill. Appropriation of the public revenue for the two years ending respectively, on the thirtieth day of June, 2003, and the thirtieth day of June, 2004.
Patron - Callahan

P HB1478

Space Radiation Effects Laboratory. Repeals the authorization to enter into a joint agreement to operate and manage such a laboratory because the laboratory was decommissioned around 1980 and sold. This bill is a recommendation of the Virginia Code Commission.
Patron - Landes

P HB1536

Bonds; Longwood College. Authorizes the treasury board to issue bonds in the amount of $10,500,000 pursuant to Article X, Section 9(c) of the Constitution of Virginia, for paying costs of renovating housing facilities at Longwood College.
Patron - Callahan

P HB1793

Veterans Care Center; to be named after certain Medal of Honor recipients. Provides that the second Virginia Veterans Care Center, to be constructed on the property of the McGuire V.A. Hospital, shall be named in the honor of Richmond-area Medal of Honor recipients Colonel Carl Sitter, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired and Colonel Van Barfoot, U.S. Army, Retired. The Virginia Veterans Care Center Board of Trustees shall place and maintain appropriate markers indicating this designation.
Patron - Jones, D.C.

P HB2071

Claims; Deborah G. Wheeling. Provides relief to Deborah G. Wheeling by allowing her to submit additional medical records to the Virginia Retirement System for review regarding her application for disability retirement. Ms. Wheeling must provide the medical records within 60 days of the effective date of the act.
Patron - Dudley

P HB2161

Claims; McCowan, Owens, et al. Provides relief for Rocky McCowan, Michael Owens, Steve Farmer, James Lee, and Robert Hicks. The five individuals were shareholders of a subchapter S corporation operating in Kentucky. An audit conducted by tax officials in Kentucky determined that the individuals owed varying amounts in income taxes for taxable years 1992 through 1996. The bill directs the Department of Taxation to review the amended income tax returns submitted by each of the individuals for taxable years 1992 through 1996 and provide them the out-of-state tax credit that they would have received on their Virginia income tax returns for those years. Any amount refunded by the Department of Taxation shall be without interest, and any amended income tax returns are required to be filed by October 1, 2003, as a condition of any refund being issued.
Patron - Phillips

P HB2630

Claims; Elmo and Mary Lawrence. Provides relief to Elmo and Mary Lawrence who sustained more than $40,000 in damages from Carl E. Thacker, a licensed Virginia contractor hired by the Lawrences to renovate a house. The Lawrences fired Mr. Thacker from the project and were unable to obtain a judgement against Mr. Thacker before he committed suicide. The bill directs the State Board for Contractors to review the Lawrences' claim under the Contractor Transaction Recovery Act and determine if the conduct of the contractor amounted to improper or dishonest conduct. If the Board finds improper or dishonest conduct, the bill further directs the Board to allocate from the Contractor Transaction Recovery Fund the Lawrences' claim, subject to the limitations of the Act.
Patron - Spruill

P SB746

Bonds; Longwood College. Authorizes the treasury board to issue bonds in the amount of $10,500,000 pursuant to Article X, Section 9(c) of the Constitution of Virginia, for paying costs of renovating housing facilities at Longwood College.
Patron - Chichester

P SB863

Claims; Marvin Lamont Anderson. Provides relief for Marvin Lamont Anderson who was incarcerated between 1983 and 1997 for a crime that scientific evidence later revealed he did not commit. Governor Warner granted him a full and absolute pardon on August 22, 2002. Under the bill, the Commonwealth will provide a lump-sum payment to Mr. Anderson of $200,000 to be paid by August 1, 2003, and pay $460,000 to purchase a non-assignable annuity for the benefit of Mr. Anderson providing for equal monthly payments to him for the remainder of his life commencing on or before September 1, 2003.
Patron - Lambert

P SB1180

Property conveyance; National Guard Armory. Conveys the organizational maintenance shop (OMS) and the land within the fenced-in area around the OMS located at the former National Guard Armory building in the Town of Richlands, to the Town of Richlands. This portion was excluded from the original conveyance to the Town of Richlands of the existing National Guard Armory in 1998.
Patron - Puckett

P SB1231

Peninsula Airport Commission. Provides that the chairman of the Commission will be paid $200 per month, and other members of the Commission will be paid $175 per month.
Patron - Williams

P SB1305

Conveyance of easement. Authorizes the Department of General Services to negotiate with all necessary parties regarding the security of the alley running between 8th and 9th Streets in Richmond, separating the Supreme Court of Virginia Building and St. Paul's Episcopal Church, and if determined appropriate, to acquire the alley and convey an easement to St. Paul's Episcopal Church to permit vehicles parked in the church's parking garage to enter and exit the parking garage.
Patron - Lambert


F HB1732

Claims; relief for Daniel M. Zacharias. Provides for the payment of $12,000 from the Onsite Sewage Indemnification Fund to Daniel M. Zacharias to cover the additional cost of an alternative waste disposal system required for a lot he purchased in Mount Jackson, Virginia. Mr. Zacharias purchased the lot based on the report of an authorized onsite soil evaluator indicating that the lot would support an onsite sewage disposal system and that the lot was located in a subdivision that had previously been approved for septic systems by the Health Department. Subsequent review by the Health Department, which did not occur until after Mr. Zacharias' purchase, determined that the lot would not support the system and that an alternative system was required.
Patron - Louderback

F HB2065

Claims: Sergeant Kermit Johnson. Provides relief to Sergeant Kermit Johnson, an employee of the Virginia Department of State Police. Sergeant Johnson was injured while on duty. Though he was able to return to work, he subsequently had recurring medical problems related to his injury that caused him to almost exhaust his available sick leave. The bill (i) directs the Superintendent of the Virginia State Police to restore the sick and annual leave balances of Sergeant Johnson to the amount existing as of May 15, 1998, and (ii) provides that Sergeant Johnson shall have all benefits provided pursuant to the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act.
Patron - Dudley

F HB2166

Claims; Hubert Garl Mullins. Provides $50,000 in relief to Hubert Garl Mullins. Mr. Mullins was incarcerated for approximately two years and four months before his conviction was overturned by the Court of Appeals of Virginia based on abuse of discretion by the trial judge.
Patron - Phillips

F HB2632

Conveyance of Tidewater Correctional Unit 22 building and property. Authorizes the Commonwealth to convey the Tidewater Correctional Unit 22 building and surrounding property to the City of Chesapeake upon terms to be agreed upon by the parties. The property would be used by the City solely for parks and recreational purposes.
Patron - Cosgrove

F HB2662

Claims; Earl Washington, Jr. Provides $1,000,000 in relief to Earl Washington, Jr. He was incarcerated for more than 16 years for crimes that DNA testing proved he did not commit. Of the amount awarded, $550,000 is payable over 10 years through an annuity.
Patron - Christian

F HB2727

Diversion of property from open-space land use. Directs the Virginia Outdoors Foundation to divert certain real property in Chesterfield County from open-space land use for other substituted real property in Giles County.
Patron - Ware

F SB700

Budget Bill. Appropriation of the public revenue for the two years ending respectively, on the thirtieth day of June, 2003, and the thirtieth day of June, 2004.
Patron - Chichester

F SB1196

Claims; Daniel and Brenda Brewer. Provides relief in the amount of $132,300 to Daniel and Brenda Brewer to correct structural problems with their home. The home contains several structural problems that were not noted by the local building official during any of the inspections conducted by the Uniform Statewide Building Code. In addition, the building official issued a certificate of occupancy despite the existence of the structural problems.
Patron - Reynolds

F SB1197

Claims; Shirley Dillon Roark. Provides relief for Shirley Dillon Roark, consisting of a lump-sum payment of $7,235.29 to be paid by August 1, 2003. Department of Transportation improvements damaged Ms. Roark's home and the surrounding property.
Patron - Reynolds

F SB1242

Claims; Clinton and CoraLou Carter. Provides for the payment of $76,740 to Clinton and CoraLou Carter to repair a failed septic system for their home, to be paid from the Onsite Sewage Indemnification Fund.
Patron - Watkins


General Assembly>Division of Legislative Services>Publications>Session Summaries>2003>Miscellaneous (Including Budget and Bonds)

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