Religious and Charitable Matters; Cemeteries

P Passed

P HB1998

Religious and charitable matters; limitation on real property trustees may hold. Allows trustees of a church diocese, religious congregation, or church or religious society that have been authorized by a city or town council to hold more than 15 acres of land in the locality to use the property for a school building and grounds.
Patron - Parrish

P SB943

Religious and charitable matters; quantity of real property trustees may hold. Removes restrictions on certain uses of land held by trustees of a church diocese, religious congregation, or church or religious society that have been authorized by a city or town council to hold more than 15 acres of land in the locality. Under current law, city or town councils may authorize such trustees to hold more than 15 acres of land if it is to be devoted to a church building, chapel, cemetery, offices exclusively used for administrative purposes of the church, a Sunday-school building and playground, or parking lots.
Patron - Colgan

F Failed

F HB1692

Religious and charitable matters; affirmation of religious freedom. Prohibits government entities from burdening the free exercise of religion. The bill defines "government entity" as any branch, department, agency or instrumentality of state government, or any political subdivision of the Commonwealth.
Patron - Black

F HB2386

Religious and charitable matters; religious freedom preserved. Provides that no government entity shall substantially burden a person's free exercise of religion except if (i) the government entity proves that application of the restriction to the person is essential to further a compelling governmental interest and (ii) the proposed action is the least restrictive means of furthering that interest. "Government entity" as defined under the bill includes state and local governments and those officials acting under color of state law. The bill provides that a person whose exercise of religious freedom has been burdened may assert a claim of violation in a judicial proceeding and the court may grant appropriate relief, including attorneys' fees.
Patron - McClure


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