Labor and Employment

P Passed

P HB2265
Labor and employment; governmental employee associations. Permits employees of the Commonwealth, its political subdivisions, or any governmental agency of any of them to form associations for the purpose of discussing their interests with their employing agencies, whenever such agencies agree to engage in such discussions. Current law permits these governmental employees to form such associations for the purpose of promoting their interests before their employing agencies.
Patron - Darner

P SB992
Antique and model boilers. Requires the certification of antique and model boilers by July 1, 2000. The bill defines (i) antique boiler to mean any boiler used solely for demonstration, exhibition, ceremonial or educational purposes, including, but not limited to, historical artifacts such as portable and stationary show boilers, farm traction engines and locomotives, and (ii) model boiler to mean any boiler fabricated to demonstrate an original design or to reproduce or replicate a historic artifact, and is used primarily for demonstration, exhibition or educational purposes.
Patron - Quayle

F Failed

F HB2253
Crane Operators Safety Act. Requires the certification of crane operators by Board-approved crane operators certification programs. Beginning January 1, 2000, operating a crane without a certificate issued from a Board-approved crane operators certification program will be a Class 1 misdemeanor. The Safety and Health Codes Board will develop standards for approval of these programs. The standards must meet or exceed those prescribed by the federal Occupation Safety and Health Act of 1970 and nationally recognized standards for examination development and administration for crane operation.
Patron - Woodrum

F SB1110
Collective bargaining. Revises the law relating to the prohibition against collective bargaining by public employees. No government entity is vested with or possesses any authority to acknowledge or sanction, formally or informally, any labor union, local affiliate of a labor union or other employee group, organization or association as an advocate or speaker for or representative of a bargaining agent of any public employees or to bargain collectively or enter into any collective bargaining contract with a union or association or the agents of these groups with respect to any matter concerning public employment. Collective bargaining means, for purposes of this law, devising collective bargaining legislation and lobbying for the enactment of such legislation; organizing employees to be represented by a union employee group, organization or association; negotiating employment conditions; participating in impasse mediation, fact-finding, and arbitration of employment disputes; filing and processing employee grievances and appeals of such grievances; research on terms and conditions of teacher employment; litigating claims relating to unfair labor practices; monitoring and seeking to influence legal and judicial developments affecting union and employee rights, privileges, and responsibilities; publishing documents, pamphlets, and other written materials on events and developments related to collective bargaining, such as union governance costs, conventions, and conference committee reports; and providing programs to train labor dispute negotiators and union leaders. The statute permitting the forming of associations to promote the interests of government employees before the employing agency is modified to note that this authorization does not extend to activities defined as collective bargaining.
Patron - Schrock


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