Commissions, Boards and Institutions Generally


Electronic security contractors. Establishes minimum experience requirements for compliance agents.
Patron - Keating

Southside Virginia Marketing Council. Abolishes the 13-member Southside Virginia Marketing Council, established in 1992 to attract business prospects to the Southside region through regional marketing.
Patron - Clement

Virginia Information Providers Network Authority; restrictions on release of information. Requires that the VIPNET Authority to ensure in its agreements that personal privacy of individuals is protected by not allowing the aggregation of information to reveal the identity of individuals.
Patron - Rollison

Advisory Council on the Virginia Business-Education Partnership Program; membership terms. Increases from two to four the number of successive two-year terms which an appointed member of the Council may serve. The bill provides that current members of the Council may be reappointed for up to a maximum of four two-year terms.
Patron - Cox

Department of Criminal Justice Services; regulation of the private security services. Grants to the Department of Criminal Justice Services the authority to certify private security training schools and instructors, unarmed security officers and electronic security personnel. The bill also (i) authorizes the Criminal Justice Service Board to enter into reciprocal agreements with other states, (ii) clarifies the definitions of certain private security personnel, (iii) authorizes the recovery of costs of investigation and adjudications for violations, (iv) requires bonds or insurance to protect the public for training schools as is now required for private security services businesses, and (v) specifies the penalty for certain violations. The bill also contains technical amendments. This bill is identical to Senate Bill 694.
Patron - Keating

Virginia Council on Coordinating Prevention. Increases the membership of the Virginia Council on Coordinating Prevention, expands agency participation in development of the comprehensive prevention plan, adds additional duties, and consolidates responsibility for prevention activities by eliminating responsibility for prevention from the Comprehensive Services Executive Council. This is a recommendation of the Joint Subcommittee Studying the Future Delivery of Publicly Funded Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (HJR 240).
Patron - Christian

Virginia Competition Council; private enterprise. Transfers the duties of Virginia's Private Enterprise Commission to the Virginia Competition Council. The Private Enterprise Commission currently reviews the practices of government agencies and nonprofit organizations, not including public and private colleges and universities, which may constitute inappropriate competition with private enterprise, including exemption from personal property, business and license taxes; reduced postage and interest rates; and volunteer labor and financial contributions. In addition, the bill adds certain definitions to clarify the duties of the Council and increases the membership from 10 to 15. The House of Delegates and the Senate will each have an additional member on the Council. From the private sector, the Speaker of the House will now appoint two members, rather than one; the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections two, rather than one; and the Governor three, rather than two.
Patron - Morgan

Law-enforcement personnel training; Alzheimer's disease. Requires the Board and Department of Criminal Justice Services to establish training standards and publish a model policy for law-enforcement personnel in communicating with and facilitating the safe return of individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Many individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease lose their way, may have limited capacity to communicate, and may wander without a destination. Law-enforcement personnel are frequently called upon to assist in looking for or in returning these individuals.
Patron - Scott

Study; Unemployment Trust Fund Commission. Creates, as a permanent legislative agency, the Unemployment Trust Fund Commission. The Commission, which consists of 10 legislative members, is required to study, report and make recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on issues concerning unemployment compensation and the Unemployment Trust Fund.
Patron - Reasor

Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation. Increases from four to five the number of members who are elected by the board of trustees and adds the president of the Jamestown-Yorktown Educational Trust as a member of the board of trustees of the Foundation. The bill also empowers the Foundation to elect any past chairman of the board of trustees to the honorary position of chairman emeritus, and provides that the chairmen emeriti serve for life but without voting privileges. The bill contains an emergency clause.
Patron - Holland

Joint Commission on Behavioral Health Care. Creates the Joint Commission on Behavioral Health Care, similar to the Joint Commission on Health Care, to study, report, and make recommendations on all areas of behavioral health care provision, regulation, and delivery of services. This is a recommendation of the Joint Subcommittee to Evaluate the Future Delivery of Publicly Funded Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services. This bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 1999, and the Commission will expire in July 1, 2004.
Patron - Gartlan

Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation. Requires certain agencies to designate a liaison to coordinate assistance and services to the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation in preparation for the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown. This bill also authorizes the Foundation to (i) solicit and accept donations of materials and services to defray expenses; (ii) retain nongeneral funds for expense reimbursement, (iii) procure goods and services with minimum requirements associated with the maximum delegated authority available to agencies or institutions in the executive branch, (iv) consider all position levels depending upon workload and funding availability, (v) receive assistance and advice from state agencies without charge, and (vi) contact elected and appointed officials at all levels. The provisions of this act will expire on July 1, 2008.
Patron - Holland

Commission on Equity in Public Education. Extends the Commission to July 1, 1999, and removes some outmoded language to update its charge.
Patron - Walker

Rappahannock River Basin Commission. Provides a mechanism for the local governments of the Rappahannock River Basin to form a Commission composed of representatives of local government, Soil and Water Conservation Districts and members of the General Assembly expressing a desire to participate. The Commission may be established only if two-thirds of the Basin's local governments pass a resolution agreeing to become members. The Commission's purposes and mission are to provide guidance for the stewardship and enhancement of the water quality and natural resources of the Rappahannock River Basin. In working toward this, the Commission is to be a forum in which local governments and citizens can communicate regarding issues affecting the Basin's water quality and quantity and other natural resources. Through promoting communication, coordination and education, and by suggesting appropriate solutions to identified problems, the Commission is to promote activities by local, state and federal governments, and by individuals, that foster resource stewardship for the environmental and economic health of the Basin. The Commission will have no regulatory powers.
Patron - Houck

Community policing programs. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice to review and evaluate community policing programs in the Commonwealth, and recommend operating procedures, guidelines, and standards for such programs. This is a recommendation of the Joint Subcommittee Studying the Status and Needs of African-American Males in Virginia.
Patron - Edwards

Cultural diversity training for law-enforcement officers. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services to establish compulsory training standards to ensure sensitivity to and awareness of cultural diversity. This is a recommendation of the Joint Subcommittee Studying the Status and Needs of African-American Males in Virginia.
Patron - Edwards

Department of Criminal Justice Services; regulation of the private security services. Grants to the Department of Criminal Justice Services the authority to certify private security training schools and instructors, unarmed security officers and electronic security personnel. The bill also (i) authorizes the Criminal Justice Service Board to enter into reciprocal agreements with other states, (ii) clarifies the definitions of certain private security personnel, (iii) authorizes the recovery of costs of investigation and adjudications for violations, (iv) requires bonds or insurance to protect the public for training schools as is now required for private security services businesses, and (v) specifies the penalty for certain violations. The bill also contains technical amendments.
Patron - Reynolds


Technology Growth Fund created. Creates the Technology Growth Fund, to be administered by the board of the Innovative Technology Authority, to maintain, expand, and attract research and development facilities and contracts from the federal government and private sector in and to the Commonwealth.
Patron - O'Brien

Administrative Process Act; family impact statement. Requires, as a part of the economic impact analysis conducted by the Department of Planning and Budget in cooperation with the regulatory agency, a determination of the impact of the regulation on family well-being. The bill defines family well-being as a regulatory action which (i) strengthens or erodes the stability of the family, particularly the marital commitment; (ii) strengthens or erodes the authority and rights of parents in the education, nurture, and supervision of their children; or (iii) increases or decreases disposable family income.
Patron - Harris

Commissions, boards and institutions; Private Enterprise Commission. Abolishes the Private Enterprise Commission, which was established in 1994 to identify ways to preserve private enterprise.
Patron - Morgan

Commonwealth Competition Council. Adds certain definitions to clarify the duties of the Council and increases the membership from 10 to 15. The House of Delegates and the Senate will each have an additional member on the Council. From the private sector, the Speaker of the House will now appoint two members, rather than one; the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections two, rather than one; and the Governor three, rather than two. The bill also directs the Council, in cooperation with the Secretary of Administration, to develop a process for state agencies to follow when responding to unsolicited bids.
Patron - Stosch

Department of Criminal Justice Services; Batterer Intervention Certification and Monitoring Program. Establishes the Batterer Intervention Certification and Monitoring Program as well as the Advisory Committee to the Program. This bill also requires any city, county or combination thereof which elects or is required to establish a community corrections program to provide evaluation, referral and supervision of services for individuals the court has ordered to participate in batterer intervention programs. In addition, the bill provides for membership of community criminal justice boards to include victim services providers.
Patron - Howell

Carried Over

Council on the Status of Women. Abolishes the Council on the Status of Women, which was created in 1970 to identify ways in which women can reach their potential and make their full contribution to the Commonwealth as wage earners and citizens. This council has not met in the last two years.
Patron - Landes

Virginia Council on Coordinating Prevention. Abolishes the Virginia Council on Coordinating Prevention, which was created in 1987 to complete a Comprehensive Prevention Plan and to identify priority prevention issues. This council has not met in several years.
Patron - Landes

Criminal Justice Services Board; membership. Increases the Criminal Justice Services Board from 27 members to 28 by adding the chairman of the Private Security Services Advisory Board. The chairman will also serve as an additional member of the Committee on Training.
Patron - Watts

Department of Criminal Justice Services; Batterer Intervention Program. Establishes the Batterer Intervention Program as well as the Advisory Committee to the Program. This bill also requires any city, county or combination thereof which elects or is required to establish a community corrections program to provide evaluation, referral and supervision of services for individuals the court has ordered to participate in batterer intervention programs. In addition, the bill provides for membership of community criminal justice boards to include a victim advocate.
Patron - Woodrum

Capitol Square Preservation Council created. Creates, within the legislative branch, the Capitol Square Preservation Council. The Council shall have the power, with regard to the architectural, historical, archeological and landscape features of Capitol Square, to: (i) inventory and assess their condition; (ii) develop plans for preservation and enhancement; (iii) recommend activities to enhance interpretive and educational opportunities; and (iv) coordinate, review and approve all plans for alterations, improvements, additions, renovations or other dispositions. The Council shall have the authority to hire an executive director who will act as curator for Capitol Square.
Patron - Murphy

DNA evidence. Requires the return of unused, untested DNA samples to the submitting enforcement agency which is to preserve the sample, according to its general procedures governing retention and storage of evidence, for independent testing by the accused. The accused must first seek a court determination that an independent analysis is reasonably necessary. The bill requires any independent analysis requested by the accused to be performed by a laboratory in compliance with the standards promulgated by the FBI's DNA Advisory Board.
Patron - Howell

The Library of Virginia Library Board. Changes the Library of Virginia Library Board from a policy board to a supervisory board. This bill also contains a technical amendment.
Patron - Walker

Criminal Justice Services Board. Increases from one to two the number of members of the Criminal Justice Services Board and the Committee on Training who must be appointed from the Private Security Services Advisory Board. The chairman of the Private Security Services Board must be one of the members appointed to the DCJS Board.
Patron - Stolle