Division of Legislative Services > Legislative Record > 2010 |
Freedom of Information Advisory CouncilNovember 8, 2010The FOIA Council held its final meeting of 2010 in Richmond, Virginia. The Council heard subcommittee reports, voted on subcommittee recommendations, and continued its annual legislative preview. Subcommittee Reports Rights and
Remedies Subcommittee Criminal Investigative Records Subcommittee Chairman Fifer reported
that the Criminal Investigative Records Subcommittee had met three times
this year. The subcommittee considered the issue of policy changes regarding
access to criminal investigative records, but could not find common ground
for substantive changes. Instead, the subcommittee considered a re-draft
of § 2.2-3706 of the Code of Virginia intended to make the section
easier to read and understand without introducing any substantive changes.
The subcommittee agreed by consensus at its meeting to present the draft
to the full Council for consideration, but because there was not a quorum
present, there was no official recommendation from the subcommittee. Staff
then presented the latest version of the redraft, noting that while it
made no substantive changes, it reorganized the section into separate
subsections addressing definitions, discretionary releases, required releases,
prohibited release, noncriminal records, and conflict resolution. Staff
further noted technical amendments contained in the draft, and that it
had a second enactment clause stating that it was declaratory of existing
law. After brief discussion expressing concern that introducing the draft
might open up the entire topic to re-examination, the Council voted 8
- 2 in favor of recommending the draft. However, after the vote, concern
was re-expressed by several members that introducing the draft might open
up the entire topic to re-examination and unwanted mischief. Given that
2011 was an election year in the House of Delegates, it was suggested
that introduction of the redraft of Annual Legislative Preview David Blount, representing
the Thomas Jefferson Planning District, advised the Council that legislation
would be introduced affecting certain provisions of Other Business VITA charges to state agencies for retrieval of public records maintained by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA); experience of the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Staff related that DEQ had received a FOIA request for records maintained by VITA. Under FOIA, DEQ remains the custodian of these records and was initially charged $14,000 by VITA to make the records available to DEQ in response to the FOIA request. Ultimately, this charge was reduced by VITA to $3,800. VITA’s initial estimate came one month after the records were requested by DEQ, and the last estimate was almost two months after DEQ’s request. The question was brought forth on whether DEQ can pass on to the requester as part of the actual charges allowed under FOIA this additional charge to retrieve records from VITA, and whether it would be reasonable to do so. After some discussion, the Council agreed by consensus that more information was needed on the extent of this problem, particularly the frequency of occurrences and the costs involved. The Council directed staff to gather more information so that the matter could be taken up and addressed in detail by the Council in 2011. Use of the word “archive” in subsection J of § 2.2-3704; implications to the Library of Virginia and the VA Public Records Act. As an additional item of business, staff reported that the word “archive” is a term of art as used by the Library of Virginia in respect to its responsibilities under the VA Public Records Act (VPRA) and the archiving of public records. Under the VPRA, the Library becomes the custodian of records archived there. The legislative history of subsection J of § 2.2-3704, which was added in 2010, was to capture VITA and the Division of Legislative Automated Systems (DLAS), which provide IT support to the executive and legislative branches, respectively. The use of the term “archive” in this section of FOIA was not meant to capture the Library of Virginia within this provision. Staff presented two optional approaches to amend subsection J. After some discussion, the Council voted to recommend adding language to subsection J stating that “Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to apply to records transferred to the Library of Virginia for permanent archiving pursuant to the duties imposed by the Virginia Public Records Act (§ 42.1-76 et seq.).” Public Comment Craig Merritt, on behalf of the Virginia Press Association, suggested taking a hard look at the last matter to make sure that records permanently archived at the Library of Virginia were not inadvertently exempted from FOIA. Mr. Miller suggested that staff survey local government and state agencies on issues such as harassment and VITA charges in order to provide information to the Council at its next meeting. The Council agreed without objection to examine those issues next year. Senator Houck noted that Delegate Griffith, Vice-Chair of the Council, would be leaving the Council as he had been elected to the United States Congress. Formal recognition of his service will be recognized at the appropriate time. Chairman: For information,
contact: Division of Legislative Services > Legislative Record > 2010