Special Subcommittees of the House Committee
on General Laws and Technology Studying Charitable Gaming Laws
September 15, 2009
The Special Subcommittees
of the House Committee on General Laws and the Senate Committee on General
Laws and Technology Studying Charitable Gaming Laws met at the General
Assembly Building in Richmond.
Staff Report
provided a report on the three public hearings that were held on behalf
of the Special Subcommittees to obtain comments and suggestions from all
aspects of the charitable gaming community in Virginia. A total of 87
people attended the hearings, which were conducted in three regions of
the state - Northern Virginia (Annandale), Tidewater (Norfolk), and Southwestern
Virginia (Roanoke). Staff reported that while organizations that conduct
charitable gaming were well represented, other sectors, including the
charitable entities that benefit from the gaming operations and individuals
who participate by playing the games, were not as well represented.
Staff advised that
after the completion of public comment for each hearing, there was "town
hall" type discussion on how charitable gaming is conducted in the
state. These discussions were instrumental in developing consensus on
some issues and generating several suggestions for legislative changes.
In addition, Department of Charitable Gaming (DCG) staff at each hearing
helped answer specific questions regarding the agency's processes and
regulatory practices and moved towards developing a dialogue with the
charitable gaming community.
Staff advised that
over the course of the public hearings several themes appeared with some
consistency and around which some consensus developed. These included
the following key points:
- General objection
to increasing the regular per-game bingo prize amount from $100 to $250.
- General agreement
that the paperwork involved with obtaining and maintaining a permit
is too complicated.
- General objection
to increasing the number of gaming nights from two nights to four nights
per week.
- General agreement
to decrease the amount of time between gaming sessions from one hour
to 1/2 hour.
- General agreement
to use innovation to make the games more exciting.
For a complete description
of the discussion regarding each item above, please see the Special Subcommittee’s
website. Staff also advised that over the course of the public hearings
several specific suggestions were made regarding legislation or changes
that would require legislative action to implement. These included:
- Establishing DCG
as a special fund agency similar to state entities charged with regulating
professions and occupations. This would allow DCG to use permit and
audit fees to directly support the agency's operations and provide enhanced
service and support to permit holders.
- Reviewing the
10% threshold to ensure that it adequately includes all expenses related
to gaming and makes appropriate allowance for the size of the operation
and whether the organization owns or rents the gaming location.
- Removing Winner-Take-All
games and instead increase the number of Lucky 7-type games from one
to three per night and allow each game to start at $1,000 rather than
the current $500.
- Allowing two
$500 jackpot games rather than one $1,000 jackpot game.
Mike Sheffield,
Division of Charitable Gaming, Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Mike Sheffield, a member of the Charitable Gaming Board, stated
that he had received a communication indicating that, effective January
1, 2010, the Division would be merged with the Division of Consumer Protection
within the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Betty Bowman,
current Executive Director of the Division of Charitable Gaming, indicated
that she would be retiring.
Chairman Jones asked
what would be the level of expertise related to charitable gaming when
the transfer would occur in January 2010. Ms. Bowman stated that charitable
gaming expertise was not limited to her and that all of the staff as far
as she knew would remain. She indicated that when she came to the Division
in 2003, there were 35 employees. When the merger with the Department
of Agriculture and Consumer Services occurred the number of employees
was at 30. This number was lowered to 23 by November of 2008 and as of
the date of the meeting there were 21 employees.
Public Comment
Chuck Lessin,
Charitable Bingo Association
Mr. Lessin stated that the groups that he represents believes that there
needs to be a Department of Charitable Gaming and that more supervision
was needed rather than less to prevent misappropriation and misuse. He
indicated that most of the members of his organization would adamantly
oppose the merger. Mr. Lessin stated that he would be presenting a compilation
of 15 points of recommendation on behalf of his organization to the Special
Subcommittees at a future meeting.
Bill Tennyson,
Hampton Elks Lodge
Mr. Tennyson
stated that bingo gaming has significantly decreased in recent years.
He asserted that the Elks are against any significant increase in the
prize amounts and increasing the number of playing nights. He indicated
that his organization was not concerned about the decrease in the amount
of time between gaming sessions.
Kevin Carol,
Legislative Chair, Fraternal Order of Police of Virginia (FOP)
Mr. Carol provided
written comments containing the positions taken by the FOP relating to
the regulation of charitable gaming. According to the statement, the FOP
supports the re-calculation of the use-of-proceeds formula for charitable
giving to be based on gross receipts minus actual expenses incurred in
the operation of the bingo game. The new adjusted gross use-of-proceeds
amount would exclude (i) prize money, (ii) cost of bingo paper/computers
used to operate the game, (iii) security needed to keep the players safe,
and (iv) cost of audit fees. The FOP opposes raising the jackpot amounts
above the present level and changing the allowable playing days from two
to four. Finally, the FOP takes the position that the audit fee amounts
to a tax and that if an audit fee is charged, then it should go directly
to the support of the Division and not to the state's general fund.
Ronald Hicks,
Virginia Elks
Mr. Hicks stated
that no major changes should be made to the current law. He expressed
concern that too many changes would move bingo to more of a gambling situation
and less of a recreational activity.
David Bailey,
Virginia State Firefighters Association
Mr. Bailey
expressed concern on behalf of the Association that the Division was in
his view being downgraded. He also stated that according to
§ 18.2-340.31 of the Code of Virginia, all money collected by the
Division in terms of permit and audit fees should go to the Division.
Discussion of Special
Subcommittees’ Work Plan
The Special Subcommittees
then discussed the status of the study and how it will proceed. Chairman
Jones asked Ms. Bowman if the current employees are able to handle the
workload to which Ms. Bowman replied that the staff struggles to keep
up with the workload. Chairman Jones then asked approximately what percentage
of staff time is dedicated to assisting charitable organizations meet
the use-of-proceeds requirement. Ms. Bowman stated in the past the practice
was to go onsite to assist the organization, but that because of staff
cuts assistance has been provided via telephone. She stated that the Division
has four auditors, when there used to be 10, and that they try to perform
audits every three years. In addition, the Division attempts to perform
inspections of every gaming site three or four times per year. Currently
the Division takes in approximately $3.2 million in fees and of that amount,
$1.7 million goes to the direct support of the agency. The remainder is
deposited in the general fund. There was discussion among the members
on the information received during the meeting.
Chairman Jones directed
staff to assemble all suggestions and disseminate them to the members
at least one week before the next meeting. Any organization or group that
wants to have a suggestion considered would need to send them to staff
to be included in the document that will be sent to the members prior
to the next meeting.
Next Meeting
The next meeting
dates will be posted on the Special Subcommittee’s website and the
General Assembly calendar as soon as information is available.
The Hon. S. Chris
For information,
Maria Everett,
Amigo Wade, DLS Staff
of Legislative Services > Legislative
Record > 2009