Division of Legislative Services > Legislative Record > 2006 |
HJR 25: Science, Math, and Technology EducationAugust 1, 2006The Joint Subcommittee Studying Science, Math, and Technology Education was created by HJR 25 to review the curriculum of existing public schools, including Governor's Schools and other specialized public schools; study accessibility to specialized public schools by students; and examine the Standards of Learning for math and science to ensure that students are provided with the fundamentals necessary for successful continuation of science, math, and technology education at the college level. Delegate Cosgrove was elected as the chair and Senator Devolites-Davis as the vice-chair of the joint subcommittee. The Department of Education (DOE) and several other guest speakers were invited to make presentations at the meeting. Overview Patrick Cushing, DLS study staff, reviewed the requirements and scope of HJR 25. His presentation, additional information, and the complete testimony and handouts of all of the guest speakers may be found on the study website hosted by DLS. DOE Presentation
& Discussion Standards
of Learning (SOL) Members discussed incorporation of technology into the current SOLs or possibly developing a separate technology SOL. The joint subcommittee was interested in obtaining input from the Board of Education on this issue. STEM Fields Governor’s
Schools Speakers Elizabeth Russell - Director of Career and Technical Education DOE Mrs. Russell stated that there are currently 88,000 students enrolled in technology related courses in the career and technology education program. Mrs. Russell reviewed several programs that students may pursue, including a new course in nanotechnology. The joint subcommittee was interested in learning more about Project Lead the Way. Dr. LaVista - Executive Director SCHEV Dr. LaVista presented an overview on efforts to increase science, math, and technology education in the Commonwealth's universities. The joint subcommittee was interested in obtaining information regarding the number of STEM graduates as compared to other fields and the potential salary benefits of majoring in a STEM field. A major point of inquiry was why many students enter college with intentions of majoring in a STEM field, but half of those students do not graduate with a STEM major. Another issue addressed by the joint subcommit-tee was the need to recruit qualified faculty and allow current faculty to devote more time to research. SCHEV is currently in the process of performing a peer review faculty pay study and will report their findings as soon as they are available. Dr. Monty Sullivan - Virginia Community College System Dr. Sullivan gave a brief overview on various science and technology related programs in the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). Dr Sullivan's powerpoint presentation is available on the study website, which includes the following information: • All 23 VCCS
colleges offer programs in math, science, and technology. Public Comment Kathleen Stansbury, President-elect, Virginia Technology Education Association, spoke regarding the importance of integrating technology education into existing curriculum and across all subject areas and recommended utilizing the Standards for Technological Education. The standards were developed on a national level and have been successfully implemented by several K-12 teachers in the Commonwealth. Members asked Mrs. Stansbury to report on the standards in greater detail at the meeting in October. Next Meeting Information regarding the October meeting of the joint subcommittee will be posted on the General Assembly Calendar and the study website as soon as available. Chairman: For information,
contact: Website: Division of Legislative Services > Legislative Record > 2006