Virginia Disability Commission
August 23, 2006
Members of the commission are Delegates Michele B. McQuigg
(chair), Robert D. Orrock, Sr., Kathy J. Byron, and David J. Toscano;
Senators Yvonne B. Miller and Linda T. Puller; citizen members Bev Fleming,
Fred P. Orelove, Sandra A. Cook, C. W. Van Valkenburgh, and William F.
Howell; and ex officio member Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling. Chairman
McQuigg welcomed the guest speakers and introduced Mary-Margaret Cash,
Assistant Commissioner of the Department of Rehabilitative Services, who
discussed the concept of Independent Living Services and Disability Services
Boards (DSBs) in Virginia and announced the speakers who would provide
more information on services and funding history.
Plan for Independent Living (SPIL)
Lisa Grubb
- Executive Director of the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)
Ms. Grubb reviewed the statutory origin of the SILC and the State Plan
for Independent Living (SPIL). The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended,
requires each state to establish a SILC in order to qualify for financial
assistance under the Act. The mission of the SILC is to promote effective
policies, programs, and activities that maximize independence for Virginians
with disabilities. The SILC must consist of a majority of people with
disabilities who are not employed by the State or by a Center for Independent
Living (CIL). The current SPIL, which contains seven goals, remains in
effect from 2004 to 2007. Members requested information on SPIL goals,
outcomes, as well as its annual budget.
Kelly Hickok
- Community Advocate, Resources for Independent Living in Richmond
Ms. Hickok described the history of Centers for Independent Living (CILs)
and the services they offer. Title VII of the Rehabilitation Act provided
federal funding for state CILs, which are consumer-controlled, community-based,
cross-disability, and nonresidential, private nonprofit agencies. By law,
CILs must provide four core services: Independent Living Skills Training,
information and referral, peer counseling, and advocacy. There are 16
CILs in Virginia, branch offices for consumers in outlying areas, and
two satellite offices that plan to become free-standing CILs with additional
funding. Currently, there are 5,989 people with disabilities in nursing
homes in Virginia that have indicated to the Department of Medical Assistance
Services that they want to leave—64 are age five or younger and
108 are minors between the ages of 6-20.
The Virginia Association
of Centers for Independent Living (VACIL) is requesting $ 2 million dollars
to expand outreach and transition services to people in nursing homes
located in the 16 CILs and to establish new CILs in Loudoun County, Middle
Peninsula, the New River Valley, and Petersburg. Members asked for additional
information regarding outcome measurements, the differences between satellite
and branch offices, the places served, and the distribution of funds,
as well as commented on funding to allow children to transition out of
nursing homes.
History of
Funding for Centers of Independent Living
Theresa Preda
- Director of Independent Living, Department of Rehabilitative Services
Ms. Preda reported on the funding history of Centers for Independent Living
(CILs). Her presentation included a map of Virginia that displayed CIL
service coverage by planning district and she noted four areas that have
not been served, but emphasized Virginia is one of only 15 states in the
nation that provides more state than federal funding. State funding has
steadily increased over the past two decades, although satellites receive
far less funding than established CILs. Ms. Preda detailed the requirements
mandated by law, including the four core services, an active Board of
Directors and staff composed of a majority of disabled persons, standard
legal and financial practices, and the annual submission of data from
all CILs to the Rehabilitation Services Administration. Members had questions
regarding unserved areas, annual CIL objectives, and the number of disabled
persons in each planning district.
Services Boards (DSBs)
Richard Kriner
- DSB Program Manager for the Department of Rehabilitative Services
Mr. Kriner discussed the history and funding of the 40 DSBs in Virginia
and noted that reduced funding beginning in 2003 has hurt the provision
of services, especially for sign language interpreters. Mr. Kriner described
the Rehabilitative Services Incentive Fund (RSIF) and showed diagrams
of counties that received grants, the levels of program investment, the
numbers served in core areas, and the RSIF grant trends for fiscal years
2004-07. The DSBs rank transportation as the most common critical need,
followed by housing, medical therapeutic services, and assistive technology.
Options for transportation grants include purchased and subsidized rides,
accessible vehicles, and a transportation brokerage system; housing grants
have been applied to construct reusable home access, a nonprofit housing
agency with low rent units, and funding for development of low income
housing; and other grants for development of a pediatric feeding clinic,
specialized brain injury management services, and an assistive technology
and disability resources specialist. DSBs seek additional grants to fund
an emergency management coordinator, a sign language interpreter training
program at community college, and a loan closet to loan technology equipment.
Members asked for more details on the budget and external review.
Mike Hatfield
- Disability Resources Coordinator, City of Alexandria DSB
Mr. Hatfield described how in Alexandria an RSIF grant in 1998 enabled
a successful three year employment initiative. As a result, nearly 70%
of Alexandria's disabled residents are now members of the workforce providing
a sharp contrast to national figures that show nearly 70% of disabled
persons are unemployed. The Department of Labor's Office of Disability
Employment Policy recognized The JobLink program in Alexandria as a national
model and Best Practices site. The Alexandria DSB used its 2002 RSIF grant
to test and provide audible pedestrian signals at traffic intersections,
which successfully improved quality of life, safety, and mobility, so
they are being installed throughout the city. Mr. Hatfield asked the commission
to call for the full restoration of the RSIF, which will continue transportation
improvement projects and meet needs for accessible medical services, insurance,
and housing. There were 69 RSIF grants awarded in 2002, but by 2006, only
4 have been awarded.
Joan Manley
- Board Member of the Rockbridge DSB
Ms. Manley provided a more rural perspective on disability services and
explained that DSBs must identify needs and promote awareness at the community
level. Successful programs in Rockbridge include wheelchair ramps and
the installation of a loop system for the hearing-impaired to hear speakers
at public hearings. With additional funding, Rockbridge would like to
pursue a DSB website, news reports, and community fairs to exchange new
Public Comment
John Congable
- Senior Connections, The Capital Area Agency on Aging
As the transportation
coordinator for Smart Ride, Mr. Congable stated that there is a growing
need for more and better transportation for the elderly, disabled, and
low-income populations, and he briefed the commission on the planning
of a community-based transportation system called Ride Connection, which
is supported by the Regional Transportation Association. Mr. Congable
explained that the Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) requires
counties to hold open forums on special needs programs as a condition
to receive transportation grants and appealed to the commission to target
state legislation that would further local solutions to this transportation
Work Plan
and Future Meetings
At the commission's
next meeting, the members plan to examine state policies that promote
employment of disabled persons, as well as the Medicaid Buy-in Program
and the Virginia Work Task Force. At a fourth meeting, members plan to
examine updates from the Housing Work Group on the visitability certification
process, reports from the Joint Commission on Health Care and its Behavioral
Health Care Subcommittee with endorsed legislation, a report from the
Autism Council, a briefing on transportation initiatives, and review legislative
proposals for the 2007 Session, including the repeal or extension of the
2007 sunset clause for the commission. Future meeting dates will be available
on the General Assembly calendar and commission website as soon as they
are available.
The Hon. Michele
B. McQuigg
For information,
Ellen Weston and
Greg O'Halloran, DLS Staff
of Legislative Services > Legislative
Record > 2006
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