Division of Legislative Services > Legislative Record > 2005

SJR 388 - Virginia Code Commission: 2007 Code of Virginia Project

April 20, 2005

During the 2005 Session, the General Assembly approved SJR 388, which advises the citizens of Virginia of the Code Commission's intent to reorganize and renumber the 1950 Code of Virginia and publish it as the 2007 Code of Virginia. The resolution also states that the Division of Legislative Services will provide staff to the commission to complete the project in a timely manner.

2007 Code Work Group

The 2007 Code work group was formed to coordinate the work of individual attorneys and staff of the Division of Legislative Services in reorganizing and renumbering the entire Code. The work group has expanded over the course of its five meetings to include representatives of the Virginia State Bar, Commonwealth's Attorneys, the Supreme Court of Virginia, local government attorneys, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and legal publishers. Further outreach efforts, by the work group and by members of the Code Commission, are ongoing.
During its first four meetings, the work group developed proposals regarding a numbering scheme for the 2007 Code and "global" changes to standardize usage in the new Code (e.g., using Arabic numerals instead of written numbers for numbers 10 and above).

Numbering Scheme

Following a review of the numbering systems used by the other 49 states, the work group considered three alternatives to recommend to the Code Commission (detailed information on the numbering schemes is available at the work group's website). Although one proposal garnered significant support, the members of the work group decided to present all three to the commission:

  • Option 1: "two-hyphen" system with embedded article number.
  • Option 2: enhanced status quo, with chapter number embedded.
  • Option 3: "three-hyphen" system with a separate element for article number.
    After a thorough discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of all three systems, the Code Commission voted to approve Option 1, which will become the numbering scheme used in the 2007 Code.

Global Changes

The commission also agreed to the suggested global changes to the Code, all of which are minor and therefore do not require legislation to effect. The commission also approved the updating of obsolete references to the Internet, which will require legislation in an upcoming session.

Next Meeting

The next step in the process of revising the Code is developing recommendations for reorganizing (without substantively changing) the Code and for the naming and numbering for individual titles in the new Code. Preliminary proposals will be presented at the Code Commission's May 23, 2005, meeting in Richmond.

The Hon. William C. Mims

For information, contact:
Pat Davis or Ken Patterson
DLS Staff



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