Division of Legislative Services > Legislative Record > 2005 |
SJR 371 - Joint Subcommittee to Study the Certification, Performance, and Deployment of Voting EquipmentNovember 21, 2005
Jean Jensen, Secretary of the State Board of Elections, distributed information listing the voting systems certified for use in Virginia and showing the status of voting equipment purchases and distribution of HAVA funding with $25,597,686 of $29,941,318 spent to date. Of the 90 localities that were required to replace punch card or lever voting systems, 87 purchased DRE equipment and 3 (Chesterfield, Gloucester, and Hanover) purchased optical scan equipment. Forty of the 44 localities required to purchase one DRE per precinct to meet HAVA accessibility requirements have made those purchases. Ms. Jensen noted that only two VVPAT systems (Diebold and Sequoia) have been certified nationally and that no applications for certification of such equipment have been filed in Virginia to date. She cautioned that a balanced approach involves improved security, training, and recruitment of elections personnel and that equipment technology is evolving, making it inadvisable to mandate the use of VVPAT equipment at this time. WORK PLAN AND FINAL MEETING The Chairman distributed
a list of possible recommendations to serve as an outline for subcommittee
discussion and guide for the subcommittee's use in reviewing possible
recommendations. Subcommittee members agreed to exchange e-mails to add
to the outline and provide information in preparation for their next meeting
when they will take action on their recommendations. Chairman: For information,
contact: |
Division of Legislative Services > Legislative Record > 2005