Division of Legislative Services > Legislative Record > 2005

Special Joint Subcommittee on Gubernatorial Appointments
CHS. 803 and 938-

September 21, 2005

Members of the special joint subcommittee are: Senators Jeannemarie Davis (chair), Charles Hawkins, and Janet Howell, and Delegates John Cosgrove (vice-chair), Riley Ingram, Johnny Joannou, Mark Cole, and Frank Hargrove.


Status of the Governor's Interim Appointments
Secretary of the Commonwealth, Anita Rimler, distributed a letter from the Governor making additional interim appointments for the period August 1 to September 21, 2005, and adding to the June 1 and August 1 appointments letters that had been provided earlier to the subcommittee.
Of the approximately 3,000 appointments that are made by a governor, it is required that 1909 (or 66 %) of the appointees must meet statutory qualifications or restrictions, such as being appointed from a submitted list, meeting geographic criteria, or fulfilling specific qualifications. To date in 2005, the Governor has made 622 appointments, of which 56 were confirmed in the 2005 Session.

Review of the Appointment Process
Secretary Rimler reviewed the current appointment process followed by the Governor including interviews with secretaries, agency heads, and board chairs to review the make-up of present boards; contacts with elected officials, association representatives, and interested parties for suggested appointees; and their questionnaire and background check processes that remain part of the Governor's confidential working papers.

Resumes and financial statements are provided to the Privileges and Elections Committees for all appointees and have been provided to the joint subcommittee for the agency heads appointed in the June 1 and August 1 communications. The 2005 legislation creating the joint subcommittee requires the prompt transmission by the Secretary of appointment paperwork for agency heads but not for all the boards and commissions. She reported that most of the paperwork for all appointees will be made available to the joint subcommittee in the next week.

Secretary Rimler also provided the members with a six-page listing of boards indicating which of those boards she and her office thought were the most deserving of more careful review in the confirmation process because of their powers and importance. The subcommittee reviewed the list and singled out those boards that they considered deserving of more careful review.

The subcommittee agreed that the standing committees with jurisdiction or the subcommittee itself should conduct interviews of appointees to the most significant positions as early in the process as possible. The paperwork coming from the Secretary's office will be divided and distributed by the chair and staff to individual subcommittee members for careful review.

The subcommittee asked for a listing of agency heads subject to confirmation, as well as entities with condemnation powers to be provided to the members.


The next meeting of the special joint subcommittee will be held on December 1, 2005, in Richmond, at 2 p.m. in Richmond, at the General Assembly Building, 3rd floor West Conference Room.

The Hon. Jeannemarie D. Davis

For information, contact:
Mary Spain, DLS Staff

Division of Legislative Services > Legislative Record > 2005 

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