HJR 20/SJR 58: Commission to Review, Study, and Reform Educational Leadership
September 16, 2003
At its second meeting
of 2003, the Commission to Review, Study and Reform Educational Leadership
received testimony regarding a potential model for a principals
academy in Virginia, an update on the implementation of the State Action
for Education Leadership Project (SAELP) grant, the work of the Task Force
to Evaluate and Redesign Preparation Programs and Professional Development
for School Leaders, and the results of surveys regarding administrative
licensure graduates and professional development for superintendents.
Principals Academy
The evolution and
implementation of revised Standards of Learning and Accreditation, assessments,
leadership standards, and school performance report cards have heightened
the need for principals who are effectively equipped to address new educational
challenges and enhanced accountability requirements. A Principals
Center for Innovative Leadership, operated by a foundation but reflecting
a public/private partnership, could address supplemental training for
induction principals (principals with three or fewer years of service)
as well as veteran principals (those with at least four years of service).
A standards-driven
approach, fueled by the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium
(ISLLC) standards, the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind
(NCLB) Act, and Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence,
as well as leadership principles employed by highly successful businesses,
would direct the centers efforts. Professional organizations, such
as the Virginia Association of Elementary School Principals (VAESP), the
Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals (VASSP), and the Virginia
Association of School Superintendents, would join public and private sector
partners to coordinate efforts in center funding and information transfer.
Foundation trustees, reflecting a cross-section of organizations and individuals,
would have primary responsibility for fundraising; a board of advisors,
comprised of representatives of professional organizations, educators,
and others, would provide direction for the center. While operation and
management of the center itself would rest with VAESP and VASSP, the board
of advisors would employ an executive director for the center.
Program participantscenter
fellowswould be selected to comprise four cohorts of 20 members
each, addressing specific target groups. Principals of schools accredited
with warning would commit to a three-year center program and ultimately
be teamed with a corrective action principalan education
leader who would serve in the school with the principal. A three-year
commitment would also be required of induction principals; this cohort
would receive training in basic skills at a single training site, with
identified professional conferences supplementing the program. Veteran
principals would commit to a two-year program. Assistant principals would
commit to a two-year program that is similar to the offerings for the
induction principal cohort.
The centers
initiatives would be delivered through center seminars and conferences;
professional development institutes sponsored by VAESP and VASSP; self-directed
core learning modules, using technology-enhanced learning; and principal
coachesprincipals who may serve as auditors or mentors.
Corrective action principals would assist principals in struggling
schools. An evaluation process would be designed to ensure center effectiveness
as well as document subsequent school improvement and fellows alterations
in their leadership and management methods.
Center fellows would incur no costs. Annual funding of $400,000 to $600,000
might be required to support the center; initial seed money
from the Commonwealth might help with start-up.
Task Force Recommendations
The Task Force to
Evaluate and Redesign Preparation Programs and Professional Development
for School Leaders, complementing the commissions efforts and charged
to examine regulations addressing educational leadership, has proposed
recommendations addressing leadership preparation, professional development,
and specific programs and partnerships. The task force has recommended:
1. Alignment of principal preparation programs with the standards outlined
in the Boards Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria
for Teachers, Administrators, and Superintendents;
2. Development of a core curriculum to ensure a strong, consistent foundation
in current principles of effective leadership;
3. Identification and alignment of internship requirements with real
life experiences of principals;
4. Establishment of levels of rigor and quality of instruction required
of school leadership faculty, including adjunct faculty;
5. Incorporation of a more rigorous design for evaluation of principal
preparation programs as an integral part of the Board of Education and
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) procedures;
6. Required passage of the School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA)
for endorsement in administration and supervision;
7. Development of local and regional leadership academies;
8. Implementation of a mentor program for school leaders;
9. Study of the feasibility of creating a two-tiered licensure system,
comprised of initial and professional licenses for school leaders;
10. Development of initiatives to improve public perception of the value
of school administrators and the provision of adequate compensation for
all school leaders;
11. Provision of high quality, continuous, collaborative professional
development programs for school leaders and leaders from other enterprises;
12. Enhanced service-orientation among institutions of higher education.
The dean of the
School of Education at VCU provided an update on the Commonwealths
SAELP grant. Noting the current gap between education degree requirements,
established by higher education, and administrator licensure requirements,
he cited increased coordination between SCHEV and the Department of Education
and combined or embedded initiatives for professional development
offered by universities and school divisions.
Survey Results
A survey of 258
Virginia school superintendents, and deputy, assistant, and associate
superintendents, with a response rate of 77 percent, indicated that 95
percent of superintendents work 50 hours a week, and 55 percent of superintendents
indicated a 60-hour work week. Significant turnover among superintendents
is anticipated in the next few years, as 50 percent of respondents indicated
they will retire or be in a new position in three to five years. Twenty-two
percent expect to retire or leave education altogether in three years.
While job satisfaction
was high, respondents were typically dissatisfied with working conditions,
including hours, and salary. Seventy percent indicate an average or high
need for professional development opportunities; instructional leadership
and the use of technology ranked high among needed expertise. Improving
student achievement in a data-driven environment also rated highly as
a desired skill. Job experience ranked as the most valued training for
superintendents, while graduate work was rated by 50 percent of respondents
as much valued.
A survey of graduates
of administrator preparation programs revealed that 86 percent of respondents
had enrolled in administrative licensure training programs to obtain an
administrative position. While surveys were sent to more than 15 approved
education licensure programs, respondents represented only six institutions:
William & Mary, James Madison, Old Dominion, Regent, the University
of Virginia, and Virginia Commonwealth University. Graduates of Virginia
and VCU comprised 69 percent of respondents. This survey also indicates
an expected significant turnover: 77 percent of respondents indicated
they will seek initial administrator employment, a lateral move, or a
different position.
Cited as a significant issue and challenge was instructional leadership,
including improving staff morale, staff development, teacher evaluation,
and use of research for instructional planning. Professional development
needs reflected a variety of issues; respondents also indicated that higher
education courses, workshops, and partnerships provided the greatest assistance.
Two-thirds of respondents had no knowledge of ISLLC standards, likely
indicating that their respective preparation programs had not emphasized
these standards. A significant 83 percent rated their preparation programs
as good to excellent; however, preparation in technology ranked lowest
among training quality. The survey also reflected a great range of hours
and balance of activities in internships.
Members inquired
about data regarding the success of principals academies, including
data reflecting improvement in schools whose principals did not attend
an academy. The commissions final meeting is scheduled for Monday,
November 17, at 1:00 p.m. in House Room D, at which time the commission
will review final recommendations of the task force and consider any endorsements
and recommendations.
The Hon. Phillip A. Hamilton
For information,
Kathleen G. Harris
Division of Legislative Services
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