SJR 173/HJR 187Joint Subcommittee to Study the Regulatory Responsibilities, Policies and Activities of the State Corporation CommissionJune 15, 2001, Richmond Draft ReportThe joint subcommittee reviewed the first draft of the final report, the first of two drafts required prior to the final report due in August 2001, of the George Mason University School of Public Policy. The report contains a total of 29 recommendations organized under six subject headings. DiscussionThe findings and recommendations with regard to the telecommunications and energy sectors generated the most discussion among the members. Regarding the telecommunications area, there was a concern that there was an over-reliance on market share numbers and that perhaps other market factors should be considered. In addition, it was felt that additional work should be undertaken by the consultant to get a better view of where Virginia stood in comparison with other states undergoing the same regulatory changes and that some additional effort should be taken examine the experience of these states. It was further noted that the report's assertion that the telecommunications and energy sectors needed to get more competition and to do so at a faster pace failed to adequately discuss factors outside of the SCC's control affecting the pace of deregulation efforts in those sectors such as relevant federal laws and the issue of sovereign immunity. The second draft of the final report will be submitted to the joint subcommittee on July 13, 2001. The joint subcommittee felt it would be important to allow interested parties to provide written comments on the first draft to the consultant. In order to allow such comments to be considered by the consultant in developing the second draft of the final report, June 29th was established as the deadline for providing written comments. Interested parties may e-mail comments directly to Dr. Kenneth Button at or send them by regular mail to: School of Public Policy, Mail Stop 3C6, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444, Attention: Dr. Kenneth Button. Next MeetingThe joint subcommittee set its next meeting for July 20, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. in Senate Room A of the General Assembly Building.