HJR 213/SJR 80

Joint Subcommittee to Study Campaign Finance Reform

October 26, 2000, Richmond

Roundtable Discussion

The subcommittee reviewed the prospects for campaign finance reform with representatives of 10 interested groups and offices, including the Virginia AFL/CIO, the Virginia Coalition for Open Government, Old Dominion University (ODU), Common Cause of Virginia, and Virginia FREE.

ODU Survey

An ODU survey of 647 persons showed, in part, the following opinions:

Too much is spent in Virginia election campaigns


Too little is spent in Virginia election campaigns


The right amount is spent


I favor contribution limits


Do not limit contributions


I think my Delegate has promised to vote a certain way on legislation in exchange for a contribution


I don't think so


I don't know


Roundtable participants expressed considerable support for contribution limits and some support for public financing coupled with expenditure limits. However, there was more consensus that there is not enough time before the 2001 Session to develop a proposal for contribution limits and that the joint subcommittee should pursue reforms in the disclosure laws.


Proposals for reforms in the disclosure area included:

  • independent audits of campaign reports,
  • more publicity on disclosure violations,
  • better use of electronic filings to reduce errors and bring about more complete and informative filings, and
  • requirements for prompt filings.

The Honorable S. Chris Jones, Chairman
Legislative Services contact: Mary Spain