Stakeholder meeting with SJR-91 joint subcommittee staff.
Friday, January 8 at 10 a.m.
House Room 4, Capitol


To: SJR-91 stakeholders and interested parties.
From: Arlen Bolstad & Rob Omberg, SJR-91 joint subcommittee staff

Re: Stakeholder meeting with staff

SJR-91 joint subcommittee Vice-chairman, Delegate Woodrum, has requested that the following stakeholders send representatives to a meeting with the joint subcommittee’s staff on Friday, January 8 at 10 a.m. in House Room 4 at the Capitol:

Virginia State Corporation Commission
Office of the Attorney General
American Electric Power
Allegheny Power
Virginia Power
Electric Cooperatives
Virginia Committee for Fair Utility Rates

Delegate Woodrum made this request at the conclusions of the SJRl-91 drafting group’s January 6 meeting. Delegate Woodrum has requested that the parties (i) seek consensus on definitions for key terms and phrases in draft language before the drafting group, and (ii) discuss key issues before the drafting group in which the stakeholders are in disagreement. At a minimum, it is hoped that frank discussion will settle some of the issues still in dispute between various parties, and clarify the differences on others in order to present clear policy alternatives to the drafting group.

This is an open meeting, and all parties interested in this study are invited to attend. Representatives of the stakeholders listed above, are asked to take seats at the committee-room table when the meeting convenes.

Any questions or comments concerning this meeting should be directed to staff. We can be reached at 804-786-3591.