TO: Robert A. Omberg
Division of Legislative Services

FROM: Reginald N. Jones
Ralph L. "Bill" Axselle, Jr.
Co-counsel for ALERT

DATE: September 8, 1998

RE: ALERT Comments on Stranded Costs Issues-- Areas of Consensus and/or Disagreement with Other Stakeholders

On behalf of the Alliance For Lower Electric Rates Today ("ALERT"), we appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments on Stranded Costs Issues as to areas of consensus and/or disagreement with other Stakeholders. As with our comments on the Division of Legislative Services ("DLS") Staff Draft Matrix on Stranded Costs Issues, we have arranged these comments by subject area [e.g., Role of SCC (State Corporation Commission)]. We then set forth what we presently perceive to be major areas of agreement and/or disagreement with the positions of other Stakeholders.

We are not prepared at this time to offer suggestions as to methods for reconciling the Stakeholders' positions, where such reconciliation may possible. Such suggestions as to reconciliation could be read or interpreted to reflect a change in ALERT's position on a particular subject area. As the issues addressed herein are inextricably linked to other restructuring issues, ALERT reserves the right to adhere to or modify its stated positions on these and other issues as the debate moves forward.

Finally, it should be noted that because of the rather "broad-brush" approach to these comments, certain Stakeholders may take issue with ALERT's characterization of their positions on a given issue as neatly falling into one of two categories. ALERT recognizes that details do indeed matter, and that such an approach can lead to gross over-generalizations. Indeed, many Stakeholders' positions, ALERT's included, are not fully capable of being categorized as either "for" or "against" a particular point of view. We do not intend by our remarks to "pigeon-hole" any Stakeholder, or to imply that the issues are as simple or straight-forward as they might otherwise appear herein. Rather, our intent is to provide some very general observations as the members of the Task Force and the Joint Subcommittee consider the Stakeholders' comments on Stranded Costs Issues to date.

1. Role of SCC

a. Stakeholders in Agreement/Alignment with ALERT's Position

b. Areas of Disagreement/Non-Alignment with ALERT's Position

2. What Elements Included in Calculation?

a. Stakeholders in Agreement/Alignment with ALERT's Position

1. Level of Specificity

2. Return of Investment(Level of Recovery)/Return on Investment

b. Areas of Disagreement/Non-Alignment with ALERT's Position

1. Level of Specificity

2. Return of Investment/Return on Investment

3. When are Stranded Costs/Stranded Benefits Recovered

a. Stakeholders in Agreement/Alignment with ALERT's Position

b. Areas of Disagreement/Non-Alignment with ALERT's Position

4. Frozen Rates

a. Stakeholders in Agreement/Alignment with ALERT's Position

b. Areas of Disagreement/Non-Alignment with ALERT's Position

5. Exit Fees

a. Stakeholders in Agreement/Alignment with ALERT's Position (specifically addressing exit fees, as opposed to wires charges)

b. Areas of Disagreement/Non-Alignment with ALERT's Position

6. Completion of Transition Period

a. Stakeholders in Agreement/Alignment with ALERT's Position

b. Areas of Disagreement/Non-Alignment with ALERT's Position

7. Stranded Benefits

a. Stakeholders in Agreement with ALERT's Position

b. Areas of Disagreement with ALERT's Position

8. Mitigation

a. Stakeholders in Agreement/Alignment with ALERT's Position

1. Divestiture as means of mitigation

b. Areas of Disagreement/Non-Alignment with ALERT's Position

1. Divestiture as a means of mitigation

9. Standard or Burden of Proof When Determining Recovery of Stranded Costs

a. Stakeholders in Agreement/Alignment with ALERT's Position

b. Areas of Disagreement/Non-Alignment with ALERT's Position

10. Applicability of Proposal to Electric Cooperatives

a. Stakeholders in Agreement/Alignment with ALERT's Position

b. Areas of Disagreement/Non-Alignment with ALERT's Position

11. "True-Up" Mechanisms

a. Stakeholders in Agreement/Alignment with ALERT's Position

b. Areas of Disagreement/Non-Alignment with ALERT's Position

On behalf of ALERT, we again appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments on the Stakeholders' positions concerning the Stranded Costs Issues covered in the DLS Staff Draft Matrix. Should you have any questions, please give us a call. You may also direct any questions to Tom Nicholson at (804) 783-6904.

Reginald N. Jones (804) 783-6468
Ralph L. "Bill" Axselle, Jr. (804) 783-6504
Co-counsel for ALERT