Senate Joint Resolution 91
Taxation Task Force
Tuesday, September 15, 1998       9:00 a.m.
House Room 4
Capitol Building, Richmond


  1. Call to order.

  2. Remarks by Chairmen and other task force members.

  3. Staff Overview: Work of 1997 Taxation Task Force pursuant to SJR 259.

  4. Review and Update: Declining Block Taxation Proposal
    Dr. Robert Benton, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Taxation

  5. Comments from 1997 Task Force members.
    A. Lee O’Bryan, Virginia State Corporation Commission
    Frank Ferguson, Office of the Attorney General
    Winfield Ryan/Stuart Bolton, Virginia Power
    Barry L. Thomas, AEP Virginia
    Mark Tubbs, Va., Md. & Del. Electric Cooperative Assn.
    Thomas A. Dick, Municipal Electric Power Association of Va.
    August Wallmeyer, Va. Independent Power Producers
    Betty Long, Virginia Municipal League
    C. Flippo Hicks, Virginia Association of Counties
    Ralph L. "Bill" Axselle, Jr., Alliance for Lower Electric Rates Today

  6. Discussion

  7. Establish workplan/schedule for next task force meeting.

  8. Adjournment.

    Senator John Watkins, Co-Chairman
    Delegate Clifton A. Woodrum, Co-Chairman
    Senator Richard J. Holland
    Senator Kenneth W. Stolle
    Delegate Eric I. Cantor


    Division of Legislative Services

    Arlen Bolstad, Senior Attorney
    Joan E. Putney, Senior Attorney
    Stephanie Hamlett, Staff Attorney
    Robert A. Omberg, Staff Attorney

    Senate Committee Clerks Office
    Thomas C. Gilman