Police, State

P Passed

P HB285
Establishment of division for drug law enforcement and investigation within the State Police. Establishes a division for drug law enforcement and investigation within the State Police to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth and conduct investigations related to the manufacturing, selling, giving or distributing of controlled substances or imitation controlled substances or marijuana, or to transporting controlled substances or marijuana into the Commonwealth. The bill allows interstate and intrastate cooperation with other agencies.
Patron - Weatherholtz

P SB45
Establishment of division for drug law enforcement and investigation within the State Police. Establishes a division for drug law enforcement and investigation within the State Police to enforce (i) the laws of the Commonwealth and conduct investigations related to the manufacturing, selling, giving or distributing of controlled substances or imitation controlled substances or marijuana, or (ii) to transporting controlled substances or marijuana into the Commonwealth, or (iii) when requested by the Attorney General, any sheriff, chief of police, attorney for the Commonwealth or grand jury.
Patron - Chichester

F Failed

F SB743
Virginia Racial Profiling and Report Statistics Act. Requires the Superintendent of State Police to require each state police officer, during the course of his official duties regarding traffic stops, to record the race, ethnicity, gender, and age of each motorist stopped and the specific reason for the stop, when a routine traffic stop or a traffic stop for any traffic violation results in (i) a search of the motorist or his vehicle; (ii) the detaining of a motorist for questioning; or (iii) the charge or arrest of the motorist for the commission of an alleged criminal offense. The bill also requires the development of a mechanism for collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and reporting data and statistics generated through such traffic stop reports. The Superintendent may engage any accredited public two-year or four-year institution of higher education in the Commonwealth or an independent body with the experience, expertise and technical capacity to conduct such research to assist in designing the reporting mechanisms and analyzing and reporting the data to the Governor and the General Assembly. This is a section one bill and will not be codified upon its enactment. The provisions of the bill expire on July 1, 2002. This bill is a recommendation of the Joint Subcommittee Studying the Status and Needs of African-American Males in Virginia.
Patron - Maxwell

C Carried Over

C SB693
Department of State Police. Provides that officers meeting satisfactory years of service requirements and not otherwise deemed ineligible by the Superintendent of State Police shall not be otherwise restricted in their movement through the career progression program.
Patron - Stolle


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