HJR 195

Joint Subcommittee to Study Land Development Patterns

September 25, 1998, Richmond

The joint subcommittee held a day-long public hearing to gain input from localities, environmental and citizens groups, development interests, and other interested parties. Localities were asked to focus on growth management tools that are currently being effectively used and those areas in which localities feel they need additional authority. The Commission on the Future of Virginia's Environment was also invited to participate in the hearing.

Nearly 40 speakers addressed the subcommittee, and numerous others submitted written remarks. The Virginia Coalition of High Growth Communities made the following recommendations:

Other recommendations to the subcommittee included:

Next Meeting

Due to time constraints, those persons representing business and development interests did not have a full opportunity to address the subcommittee at the September 25 public hearing. Those persons, therefore, have been invited to address a joint meeting of subcommittee and the Future of the Environment Commission on October 29, 1998, at 9:00 a.m. in Richmond.

The Honorable Gladys B. Keating, Chair
Legislative Services contact: Jeffrey F. Sharp